Student information card of Clark Smith, a member of the Klamath Nation, who entered the school on August 9, 1894, graduated in 1897, and departed on July 1, 1897.
Student information card of Clark Smith, a member of the Klamath Nation, who entered the school on August 9, 1894, graduated in 1897, and departed on July 1, 1897.
Student information card of Clark Smith, a member of the Klamath Nation, who entered the school on August 9, 1894, graduated in 1897, and departed on July 1, 1897.
A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 7).
Studio portrait of twelve female and fourteen male students.
Samuel Gruett, Chippewa. Rob’t. Depoe, Siletz. Clarence Whitethunder, Sioux. Edw. Rogers, Chippewa. Brigman Cornelius, Oneida. Mary Miller, Chippewa. Frank…
Portrait of twelve female and fourteen male students posed outside on the school grounds. They are: Back Row, Left to Right: Gruett, Samuel, Chippewa /Depoe, Robert, Siletz/Whitethunder, Clarence, Sioux, /Roger, Edward, Chippewa, /Brigman, Cornelius, Oneida, /Miller, Mary, Chippewa, /Jones, Frank, Sac and…
The commencement program for the Eighteenth Anniversary and Ninth Graduating Exercises of the Indian Industrial School at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The program includes a schedule of events as well as a photograph of the graduating class of 1897.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a list of the Graduating Class of 1897 of the Carlisle Indian School to W. N. Hailmann along with his assessment of their character and efficiency.