Student Travel Departing

Displaying 51 - 75 of 135 records
List of Students to be Returned to their Homes for June 1888
June 22, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of the Indian Affairs of the 60 students who are entitled to return to their home at the end of the school term due to the expiration of their enrollment or sickness.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Expresses Frustration with Office of Indian Affairs Over Transportation
July 5, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt notifies the Office of Indian Affairs of the delay in returning students to their homes due to a lack of communication between the Office and the Passenger Agent. The Passenger Agent informed Pratt that he only just learned that his bid was accepted but he does not have sufficient information to fulfill the order.

National Archives and Records Administration
Voucher for Lodging during Return Trip of Jose Nadilgodey and Constant Bread
July 10 - August 9, 1888

John L. Bullis, Acting Indian Agent for the San Carlos Agency, forwards a bill from Charles M. Renard covering the lodging for Jose Nadilgodey and Constant Bread on their return trip from the Carlisle Indian School.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Response to Office Letter on the Return of Three Students
July 19, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the return of Hartley Ridge Bear and Harry Raven. Pratt further notes that the ticket for Henry Outa to return to Purcell, Oklahoma was not used due to Outa being too weak to travel when the authorization was received.

National Archives and Records Administration
Standing Inquires Who Ticket from Carlisle to Rushville is For
September 24, 1888

Alfred John Standing inquires who the Carlisle to Rushville ticket ordered by Richard Henry Pratt is intended to be given.

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles Wheelock Requests to be Returned Home
March 7-22, 1889

Charles D. Wheelock informs Richard Henry Pratt that his father is retiring as a farmer and has offered him the option to take over his farm. Wheelock notes that to accept would require him to leave Carlisle early. Pratt in forwarding the letter to the Office of Indian Affairs notes that Wheelock's case warrants an exception to having students…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Elliott, William Short Nose, and Robert Left Hand
April 3, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return Elliott, William Short Nose, and Robert Left Hand to their homes due to their ill health. Pratt further requests transportation to various locations for the three students.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Encourage San Carlos Apache Students to Remain at Carlisle
May 30, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt reports that 35 San Carlos Apache students are eligible to return to their homes due to the expiration of their terms. Six of the students have elected to remain an additional year but Pratt notes that many more should remain and likely would with the encouragement from the agent and their friends.

Pratt requests a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Nine Apache Students Sent to Mount Vernon Barracks
June 1, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that a group of Apache students left Carlisle for the Mount Vernon on May 30, 1889. In addition, he felt it important to increase the size of the party to nine students.

National Archives and Records Administration
List of Students to be Returned to their Homes for June 1889
June 10, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students to be returned to their homes due to various reasons along with various escorts.

Note: The student referred to here as Maurice Walker is also known as Maurice Yellow Hair.

National Archives and Records Administration
John Elm Makes Inquiry into Responsibility for Paying for his Return Home
July 15, 1889

John Elm writes to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the arrangements surrounding his return home. Elm states that because he signed the employee list he was ineligible to be returned to his home at Government expense according to Richard Henry Pratt. Elm inquires if this is right because he was otherwise restricted to the rules of…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests Additional Transportation Funds
September 13, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt asks for $1,500 more for transportation costs.

A note attached to the telegram lists various Indian Schools next to dollar figures with Pratt listed at the top. At the bottom a hand written note says to provide Pratt with an additional $750.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Secretary of War Informs Interior Regarding Return of Apache Students
September 23, 1889

Redfield Proctor, Secretary of War, informs the Secretary of the Interior that the Major General Commanding the Army has issued orders to the Commander of the Mount Vernon Barracks to receive any members of the Apache Nation currently at the Carlisle Indian School who are returned from Carlisle due to poor health.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests to Use Treaty Funds to Return Big Hail and Theron Lears
July 1, 1890

Richard Henry Pratt requests to use the Montana Treaty Funds to pay for the return of Egbert B. Hail (here Big Hail) and Theron Lears to their homes.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Authority to Return Pupils in June 1890
July 1, 1890

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding authority to transfer pupils to their homes. Pratt notes that it was best to return the students at once and he therefore sent the students under escort. Pratt ends by writing that the amount placed to his credit just about covers the expense.

National Archives and Records Administration
Notice of Need to Return Students and Bring in New Class
July 15, 1890

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to send home students who were entitled to return at the end of June as well as bring in new students before the beginning of the new school year. Pratt notes that 100 students are due to be returned, with 150 students set to come in under office orders. Pratt claims that there are many personal requests…

National Archives and Records Administration
Inquiry into Whether Recommendation of Howard Logan is Approved
February 16, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt seeks information on whether Professor Rich's recommendation of Howard Logan is approved. Pratt notes that Logan wants to know before starting.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Expenses for Transportation of Students
July 11, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt requests $3000 for the fiscal year in order to pay for travel and incidental expenses in the transportation of students from Carlisle to their homes and brining students to the school.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Additional Transportation Funds in Fiscal Year 1891
August 18, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the authority granted for transporting children to and from Carlisle has mostly been used in returning children and their is now a need for additional funds. As a result, he requests $3,000 for additional transportation needs.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Scobey Objects to Letter from Pratt to Uncle of Student
December 2, 1891

C. R. A. Scobey, U.S. Indian Agent for the Fort Peck Agency, writes to the Office of Indian Affairs letter objecting to a letter from Richard Henry Pratt to Smoker. Scobey claims that the agency has sent sixty students to Carlisle and that all of the students were selected with care by the agency physician and superintendent and that is not the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Office Order to Cover San Carlos Transportation Costs
April 16, 1892

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter requiring him to cover the expense of the San Carlos Agent for the costs of transporting Justin Head and Norman Cassadore from Wilcox to San Carlos. Pratt notes that filling this order places him in an awkward situation as he only permitted Cassadore to return at his own expense…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Transportation Order on Subsidized Route to Shoshone Agency
April 30, 1892

Richard Henry Pratt requests transportation orders be sent immediately over the subsidized position of route for one student to the Shoshone Agency as the student is sick and should be sent at once.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Transportation Funds of Montana Students be made Special
May 20, 1892

Richard Henry Pratt requests that the Montana funds for transportation be made special and forwarded at once in order to facilitate transportation of students.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Authorize Return of Students to Their Homes in 1892
July 14, 1892

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the home going party has been delayed and should leave as soon as possible. Requests that authority for them to be returned be provided soon.

National Archives and Records Administration
Informing Office of Departure of Stailey Norcross
March 29, 1894

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Stailey Norcorss is leaving to report to Lieutenant Plummer.

National Archives and Records Administration