William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that John Curran has not reported for the position of fireman.
School Employees - Fireman
Scott J. Porter submits his resignation as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. J. R. Wise forwards the resignation to the Office of Indian Affairs.
Scott J. Porter submits resignation as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.
Philibert Lutz resigns as a fireman at the Carlisle Indian School due to his salary. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests that it be accepted.
J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the two fireman vacancies do not need to be filled until September 1, 1907. Wise states that there are students who have experience that can assist the engineer and remaining fireman.
William A. Mercer requests an increase in the salary of George L. Gottwerth as a fireman. Mercer states that the other fireman positions will not require increases due to his plan to use unmarried men and Indians. The Office of Indian Affairs forwards the request to the Secretary of the Interior.
These materials include a letter from Henderson Long accepting his appointment as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.
These materials include two appointment orders for employment vacancies at Carlisle. Alice A. Van Deman was appointed as Assistant Matron, and William C. Terry was appointed as Teacher in Mechanical Drawing.
These materials include correspondence and an appointment form regarding Henderson Long's declination of his appointment as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. Long declined his position after learning that the price of employee boarding at the school was too high for him to afford on the allotted salary.
These materials include the appointment order for Henderson Long as Fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.
This material includes correspondence about a vacant fireman position which the administration was hoping to fill by a former student of the school, and about a vacant position as a teacher of mechanical drawing.
These materials include correspondence regarding the vacant position of Teacher in Mechanical Drawing at the Carlisle Indian School, and a suggestion to leave the position unfilled. Also included is the appointment order for Charles Sayler as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee appoints Walter Stewart as Fireman at the Carlisle Indian School with a salary of $420 per year.
Supervisor in Charge Charles Dickson informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that appointed fireman Walter Stewart has not reported for duty.