Richard Henry Pratt requests on the behalf of Emma H. Bellows, who has left the Indian Service, the testimonials submitted by her with her application. Pratt will forward them to Bellows.
School Employees - Cooks and Dining Room Staff
Includes Bakers

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Harriet Eck has resigned her position. He notes that the dining room matron can no longer instruct girls in cooking and needs some additional help on occasion. Pratt requests that the authorization for her position be extended in order to allow him to continue to search for a…

Richard Henry Pratt requests that a cook and assistant cook position be abolished and that two laborer positions be created in their place.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that the position held by Anna F. Bennett be changed from Assistant Cook to Housekeeper. Pratt provides the justification for the request due to the increase in duties in cooking for students working on the farm.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that James J. Brady and O. F. Gooding have not reported for duty.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the present baker temporarily appointed to the Carlisle Indian School is set to leave at the end of the month. Allen requests that if the present appointee declines the position that another appointment be made at the earliest date.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that James J. Brady has not reported for duty as a cook.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that with James J. Brady failing to report the temporary appointment of David Crosbie as cook can be extended if requested. In addition, he notes that there is a special examination to fill the vacancy.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the intended resignation of Prudence Crosbie as dining room matron. Pratt notes that Crosbie's husband is currently the temporary appointed cook and notes that this arrangement has led to the best results. As a result, he requests that the positions vacated by the Crosbie's be filled…

Richard Henry Pratt requests to have Joanna R. Speer replace Prudence M. Crosbie as the dining room matron at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt encloses Speer's application for employment.

Edgar A. Allen responds to the Office of Indian Affairs that cook Eugene Estoppey has forwarded his papers to the Civil Service Commission.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that as there is no eligible register for filling the cook vacancy at Carlisle they are authorized to make an emergency appointment.

Eugene Estoppey, inquires about his dismissal as a cook from the Carlisle Indian School on short notice and his salary for the final month.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request of Eugene Estoppey into the reasons for his dismissal as a cook at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt notes that his nomination of Alice Lamar as a cook has not been acted upon.

Minnie L. Ferree requests a transfer to a domestic science position either in Alaska or the West Coast. William A. Mercer provides additional information.

Alice Lamar submits her resignation as a cook at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs to suspend action in replacing the vacant cook position caused by the resignation of Alice Lamar.

Nikifer Shoushick (here spelled Nekifer Shouchuk) submits his resignation as an assistant cook at the Carlisle Indian School. J. R. Wise forwards the resignation and notes that he has no recommendation for a replacement.

William A. Mercer provides justification for hiring Charles Sorrell as an assistant cook, explaining that Sorrell is no longer a student.

William A. Mercer requests the dining room matron position vacated by the transfer of Effie G. Moul be filled through the Civil Service register.

William A. Mercer requests Sara Pierre be transferred to another school due to no longer performing her duties as hospital cook.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Sara Pierre will accept the transfer to the Ute School as a cook.

Charles M. Sorrell submits his resignation as assistant cook at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation to the Office of Indian Affairs and informs the Office that he plans on nominating Nikefer Shoushick (here spelled Nekifer Shouchuk).

William A. Mercer renews his request for another assistant matron position to help in the dining room as all three assistant matrons are needed in the girls quarters.