Studio portrait of six unidentified male students wearing school uniforms.
The Cumberland County Historical Society's copy of this image identifies them as being from the Crow nation.
Studio portrait of six unidentified male students wearing school uniforms.
The Cumberland County Historical Society's copy of this image identifies them as being from the Crow nation.
Studio portrait of six unidentified male students in school uniforms.
The caption identifies them as being from the Crow nation.
Studio portrait of four unidentified male students in school uniforms and two unidentified female students in school-issued clothing.
View of the Small Boys' Quarters on the school grounds.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH2-081a and PA-CH2-085b.
Studio portrait of Sowcea Kinery [?] and Samuel Keryte, both wearing school uniforms. Keryte is definitely the student standing at right.
Note: The identification of Kinery is a guess based on interpreting the handwritten caption, and the fact that he arrived on the same day as Keryte. Kinery was 14 at arrival and Keryte was 16.…
Studio portrait of Sowcea Kinery [?] and Samuel Keryte, both wearing school uniforms. Keryte is definitely the student standing at right.
Note: The identification of Kinery is a guess based on interpreting the handwritten caption, and the fact that he arrived on the same day as Keryte. Kinery was 14 at arrival and Keryte was 16.
Studio portrait of Stacy Matlock (standing at left) and William Morgan (seated at right), both wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Stacy Matlock (standing) and William Morgan, both wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Stephen Smith and Randall Delchey, one holding a cane.
Studio portrait of Stephen Smith and Randall Delchey, one holding a cane.
Studio portrait of a female student, probably Stiya Koykuri.
Group portrait of eighteen male students, dressed similarly and wearing baseball caps, one posed with a bat, taken on the school grounds.
This is probably one of the many teams that played each other within the school.
Students from the Indian Nurses Corps and medical staff posed on the front of a building. They are identified as being, from left to right: Zippa Metoxen, Rose Howell, Dr. Obadiah G. Given, Alice Seabrook, Barbara Showarumy, Clara Anthony, Katie Metoxen, Lillie Wind, and Boise Bassford. Given, Seabrook, and Anthony were school employees.
Students from the Indian Nurses Corps and medical staff posed on the front of a building. They are identified as being, from left to right: Zippa Metoxen, Rose Howell, Dr. Obadiah G. Given, Alice Seabrook, Barbara Showarumy, Clara Anthony, Katie Metoxen, Lillie Wind, and Boise Bassford. Given, Seabrook, and Anthony were school employees.
Students in the shoe shop with white instructor standing in rear of the room.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH1-087e and BS-CH-048.
Students working in the print shop.
Note: NAA 73251 (see Related Images) shows the left side of the print shop. NAA 73577 (see Related Images) shows the right side of the print shop. In this image prints of both images are combined to create a panoramic image of the print shop.
This image, with the caption …
Students working in the print shop.
Note: This image shows the left side of the print shop. NAA 73577 (see Related Images) shows the right side of the print shop. In NAA 73243 (see Related Images) prints of both images are combined to create a panoramic image of the print shop.
Students working in the print shop.
Note: This image shows the right side of the print shop. NAA 73251 (see Related Images) shows the left side of the print shop. In NAA 73243 (see Related Images) prints of both images are combined to create a panoramic image of the print shop.
Photograph of a photograph of Sun Chief (La-Roo-Chuk-A-La-Shur). The handwritten caption indicates he is from the Pawnee nation.
Photographer J.N. Choate took a photograph of this image, presumably so that he could reproduce it and sell it himself. He may have taken the original, but he might not have. No other copies of this…
Studio portrait of Susie Bond and Susie Gray.
View of the tailor shop showing students working with an instructor.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH1-086a and BS-CH-047.
View of the Teachers' Quareters with several figures, including a male student and probably a female teacher, posed in front and on the porch. The figure on the far right may be Richard Henry Pratt.
Studio portrait of ten male students in uniform.
The Cumberland County Historical Society's copy of this image identifies them as "Printer Boys." On one copy of the image they are identified as, left to right: William Butcher, Benajah Miles, Paul Boynton, Richard Davis, Samuel Townsend, Cyrus Fell Star, Chester Cornelius, Benjamin…
Studio portrait of ten male students in uniform, identified as being "Printer Boys." On one copy of the image they are identified as, left to right: William Butcher, Benajah Miles, Paul Boynton, Richard Davis, Samuel Townsend, Cyrus Fell Star, Chester Cornelius, Benjamin Thomas, Henry North, and Yamie Leeds.
There are no records…
Studio portrait of ten unidentified female students. All are wearing school uniforms; one, a much younger girl, is wearing a white pinafore over her uniform.
Note: In previous cataloging the handwritten caption says the students are from the Rosebud reservation in South Dakota.