Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to retain Daniel Eagle as a student even though he is 24 years old and so above the age limit. Pratt shares that Eagle wishes to forward his education and attend the local commercial college when he is qualified for it.
Stephens, J. H.

The typed transcript of Alvis Morrin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Morrin was a student at Carlisle.
In his testimony Morrin discusses the poor quality of the food served to the students and the lack of silverware.
In the published version of this testimony Morrin's testimony…

A typed transcript of Edward Bracklin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Bracklin was a student at Carlisle.
Bracklin first discusses the tension between the student body and Superintendent Friedman then testifies to the poor health and safety conditions of the school (lack of towels, lack…

The typed transcript of Hiram Chase's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Chase was a student at Carlisle.
In his testimony Chase critiques Superintendent Friedman's arbitrary expulsion of students. He also answers questions regarding student acts of insubordination and alcohol consumption at…

The typed transcript of Jeanette Pappin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Pappin was a student at Carlisle. In this document she is referred to as Jeannette Patten.
Pappin discusses the harsh demeanour of the Matron Anna Ridenour and friction between the students and Superintendent Friedman…

A typed transcript of John Gibson's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Gibson was a student at Carlisle.
Gibson discusses the faulty advertising and management of the school's trade programs, the removal of Dr. James W. W. Walker as Y.M.C.A. advisor, and the poor quality food provisions.
A typed transcript of Louis Brown's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Brown was a student at Carlisle.
Brown discusses the use of force by the disciplinarians of the school and the biased way punishment is given. He claims that students receive punishments disproportionate to the offence they…

A typed transcript of Peter Eastman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Eastman was a student at Carlisle.
Eastman discusses unjust punishment, the strained relationship between Superintendent Friedman and the student body, and the removal of Dr. James W. W. Walker as Y.M.C.A. advisor at the…

The typed transcript of Rosa B. La Flesche's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time La Flesche worked at Carlisle as the Outing Manager, though she previously attended the school under the name Rosa Bourassa.
In her testimony La Flesche critiques Superintendent Friedman's administration in regards…

A typed transcript of Zepheniah Simons' testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Simons had just begun a job as caretaker of the athletics quarters (after attending the school as a student).
While Simons does express disappointment at the relaxed discipline at Carlisle, most of his testimony…

The typed transcript of Anna H. Ridenour's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Ridenour was the matron at Carlisle.
In her testimony Ridenour explains her perspective on the use of corporal punishment on Julia Hardin and answers questions about the friction between herself and the students in…

The typed transcript of August Kensler's first testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Kensler worked as quartermaster for Carlisle.
In his testimony Kensler explains his role in supervising the industrial training program and answers questions about the flour ration set by the Office of Indian…

The typed transcript of Bertha Canfield's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Canfield oversaw the sewing room at the school.
In her testimony Canfield critiques the administration of Superintendent Friedman on the basis that he does not take any interest in the well-being or morality of the…

The typed transcript of Emma H. Foster's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time she worked as a teacher at Carlisle.
In her testimony Foster explains what she thinks is the cause of the friction between the students and school administration. She also answers questions about the use of corporal…

The typed transcript of Fisk Goodyear's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. (His name is spelled Fiske Goodyear in this transcript.) At the time Goodyear was working at a local coal and lime business, but had previously worked at Carlisle as storekeeper and clerk in the 1890's.
In his testimony Goodyear…

The typed transcript of George Abrams' testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Abrams was the gardener at Carlisle.
In his testimony Abrams explains the size and crop of the garden he cares for and explains how male students are assigned to him.
In the published version of this testimony…

The typed transcript of Glenn S. Warner's testimony before the Joint Committee to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Warner was working as the athletic director at the school.
In his testimony Warner answers questions about the formation and financial dealings of the Carlisle Athletic Association. He also discusses an incident of…

The typed transcript of Harry B. Lamason's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Lamason worked as the school's instructor in masonry.
In his testimony Lamason discusses the relationship between the vocational training program and the outing system.
In the published version of this…

The typed transcript of John A. Herr's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time he was the school's instructor in carpentry.
In his testimony Herr explains why his students do not graduate with any vocational qualifications.
In the published version of this testimony Herr's section begins…

The typed transcript of John Whitwell's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Whitwell was the principal teacher at Carlisle.
In his testimony Whitwell begins by summarizing his duties as principal teacher then discusses negative influences on the academic program and narrates the difficulties in…

The typed transcript of Julia Hardin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Hardin was a student at the school.
In her testimony Hardin recounts the conflict between her and the matron about whether she was to go on outing which culminated in an incident where Claude Stauffer whipped her. She…

The typed transcript of Louis Schweigman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Schweigman was not a student at the school, but had attended from October 7, 1910 to January 9, 1914. His last name is spelled Schwiegman in this transcript.
In his testimony Schweigman recounts his discharge from…

The typed transcript of Moses Friedman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Friedman served as the Superintendent for the school.
In his testimony Friedman argues that incompetent or antagonistic employees are the root cause of the poor conditions at the school. He answers questions about his…

The typed transcript of Nellie Denny's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Denny was not working at Carlisle, but she had previously worked as outing agent, clerk, and teacher, and had attended the school prior to that. Nellie Robertson is the name under which she attended the school.
In her…

The typed transcript of Virginia Penrose's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Penrose lived in the town of Carlisle.
In her testimony Penrose discusses the quality of food at Carlisle then gives her opinion that the friction at the school has been incited by people living in town (due to…