Student information card of Kias Red Wolf, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on August 31, 1882 and departed on July 8, 1889.
In school documentation Kias Red Wolf is also known as Kise and Pug Nose.
Student information card of Kias Red Wolf, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on August 31, 1882 and departed on July 8, 1889.
In school documentation Kias Red Wolf is also known as Kise and Pug Nose.
Student information card of Mary Red Wolf, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on September 15, 1889 and departed on October 24, 1889.
In school documentation Mary Red Wolf is also known as Ma-o-ke-na.
Student information card of Mary Red Wolf (Ma-o-ke-na), a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on September 15, 1889 and departed on October 24, 1889.
The first page opened with a notice that there were no Indian Helper newspapers published for December 28 and January 3rd. A notice followed: “A Novel Christmas Present: Our Superintendent Made with his own Hands a tin Cup for Each Employee.” Next was a poem, by “E.G.“dated Dec. 25, ’89 titled “The School Poet Again Stirred” about…
A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 15).
Studio portrait of Kias Red Wolf and Carl Matches, both wearing straw boater hats. Red Wolf is probably seated at left and Matches is probably standing at right.
Studio portrait of Kias Red Wolf (standing at right) and an unidentified male student (at left).
Studio portrait of Kias Red Wolf (probably seated) and Carl Matches (probably standing), both wearing straw boater hats.
Studio portrait of Kish Hawkins (left), Kias Red Wolf (center), and Clarence Wolf Face (right).
Studio portrait of Kish Hawkins (at left), Kias Red Wolf (in center), and Clarence Wolf Face (at right).
Photo taken of visiting Cheyenne and Arapahoe Chiefs with Carlisle students and government employees at Devil's Den at the Gettysburg battlefield. The image is dated November 28, 1884.
One person is identified only as "Kise." It is not known if this is Kias Red Wolf (as known as Kise) or Kise Williams.
A series of twenty-three letters written to Captain Richard H. Pratt in response to a questionnaire sent to former students. The accompanying questionnaire forms are not included.
Transcripts follow each handwritten letter.