These materials include correspondence, a supplies list, and a survey regarding unserviceable property at the Carlisle Indian School. Some of the condemned materials were approved for sale on the open market.
Peirce, Charles F.
These materials include correspondence and legal documents regarding the 1914 internal and Congressional investigations into Superintendent Moses Friedman and Chief Clerk Siceni J. Nori of the Carlisle Indian School. Included is copied and original correspondence regarding the resignation of Friedman and Nori, legal discussions regarding…
These materials include correspondence regarding the view of Oscar H. Lipps that Carlisle and other non-reservation schools should focus on educating only those who do not have access to education near their homes and that truly desired further instruction. Lipps cites that he has worked to remove many pupils he felt were not deserving from…
These materials include correspondence, official records, and other documents related to the closure of the Carlisle Indian School in 1918. Discussed topics include the transfer of the land from the Department of the Interior to the Department of War, the transfer of property to other Indian schools, and the discharge and transfer of students…