Displaying 51 - 75 of 159 records
Pratt Informs Office of Receipt of Letter Advising Continuance of Hocker Farm Lease
April 23, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has received their letter advising the continuance for one year of the lease on the Hocker Farm.

National Archives and Records Administration
Recommendation for Two Apache Students from Fort Barrancas
April 23, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request from Colonel Loomis Langdon, commanding officer at Fort Langdon, regarding enrolling two Apache students at Carlisle. Pratt notes that he would be more than willing to accept the students but that Carlisle already has a disproportionate amount of Apache…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Delia Hicks
April 27, 1888

J. V. Summers, U.S. Indian Agent for the Quapaw Agency, forwards a request from Henry Hicks that his daughter Delia Hicks be returned from the Carlisle Indian School. Hicks notes that he has secured a place for Delia at Earlham College where she can train as a teacher. Summers notes that Richard Henry Pratt has agreed to return Delia Hicks with…

National Archives and Records Administration
Special Estimate of Funds, Second Quarter 1888
April 30, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt submits a "Special" Estimate of Funds form for $240.00 to purchase a mule and two cows. An explanatory cover letter is included.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Addresses Office Concerning Return of Delia Hicks
May 4, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt addresses an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning the request of Henry Hicks to return his daughter Delia Hicks from the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes his correspondence with Henry Hicks and notes that Delia's father, along with others from this enrollment group, was promised she would only be enrolled for three…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Jurisdiction of Courts in Various Crimes
May 8, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning jurisdiction of the Courts over the case of Etahdlueh Doanmoe. Pratt references Section 9 of the Act approved in March 3, 1885 regarding jurisdiction. Pratt advocates for firmer discipline in punishing crimes.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Dessie Prescott and Nancy Iron Son
May 8, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt requests to return Dessie Prescott and Nancy Iron Son to their home on the recommendation of the school physician due to their health.

National Archives and Records Administration
Three Stars Requests a Wagon from Carlisle
May 8, 1888

Three Stars requests a wagon produced by the Carlisle Indian School. Three Stars states that he has assisted the agent for over eight years and he also believes that having the wagon would show others at the agency the benefit of educating their children at Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Crow Prisoners at Fort Snelling to Carlisle
May 10, 1888

The Department of War informs the Interior Department of two telegrams that the Secretary of the War has approved the transfer of the Crow Indian prisoners at Fort Snelling to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Five Students from Fort Pickens to Carlisle
May 10, 1888 - May 12, 1888

William Endicott, Secretary of War, informs the Secretary of the Interior that orders have been issued to transfer Geronimo and the Prisoners of War being held at Fort Pickens, Florida to Mount Vernon Barracks, Alabama along with five children to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
War Department Orders Sending Prisoners to Alabama and Carlisle
May 10, 1888

War Department orders directing Geronimo and other prisoners be sent from Fort Barrancas, Florida to Mount Vernon Barracks, Alabama in addition to sending certain youths to the Carlisle Indian School.

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests Harness Sample be Repacked
May 14, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt requests that sample harness be repacked in the trunk and set aside until his next visit to Washington D.C. which would allow him to return it to Carlisle without cost.

National Archives and Records Administration
Answer Sought for Returning Nancy Iron Son and Dessie Prescott
May 16, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt requests an answer from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding his request to return Dessie Prescott and Nancy Iron Son. Also requests what answer he can give to Colonel Langdon about the Apaches.

National Archives and Records Administration
Irregular Employees Required for June 1888
May 19, 1888

Captain Richard H. Pratt provides the Commissioner of Indian Affairs with a list of irregular labor required for June 1888. Pratt also includes details on compensation, position title, and the number of workdays required for the month.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Informs Office Safe to Return Two Students to Pine Ridge
May 21, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the school physician has declared it safe to return two girls from Pine Ridge with an escort.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests Round Trip Ticket for Escort for Two Students
May 21, 1888 - May 22, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the delay in providing tickets to two students to Rushville leaves them two weeks to go alone. Pratt requests that the Office order round trip tickets for them and authorize expenses of escort.

A note indicates the ticket for the escort was ordered on May 22, 1888.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Delay in Transferring Apache Prisoners to Carlisle
May 26, 1888

William Endicott, Secretary of the War, replies to an Commissioner of Indian Affairs report on the transportation of Chappo and Go-So who are prisoners at Fort Pickens to the Carlisle Indian School. Richard Henry Pratt has indicated that while he is willing to enroll them at Carlisle but does not have the funds to transport them and suggests…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Luther Kuhns
May 28, 1888 - June 2, 1888

M. L. McKenzie, Clerk in Charge of the Pawnee Agency, requests the return of Luther Kuhns to the agency in order for him to employed as a carpenter at the agency. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the request to the Office of Indian Affairs stating Kuhns qualifications and noting that he will only be leaving school a month early and asks for…

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Students from the Martinsburg Indian School to Carlisle
May 28, 1888 - May 31, 1888

P. H. Bridenbaugh, head of the Martinsburg Indian School, writes to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the transfer of Oneida students at Martinsburg to Carlisle. Bridenbaugh states that he has asked a policeman at the agency to ask for consent for the transfer. Bridenbaugh also includes a letter from Thomas E. Watt, passenger agent for the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Enroll Henry E. Harris at Carlisle
June 5, 1888

Thomas H. Breen, the Superintendent of the Grand Junction Industrial School, requests that Henry E. Harris a student at his school be transferred to the Carlisle Indian School in order to become a teacher.

National Archives and Records Administration
Cover Letter Forwarding Plans and Specs for New School Building
June 9, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt forwards copy of plan and specifications for the proposed school building. Pratt requests that he be allowed to advertise for bids to construct the building.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests Upshaw Allow for Advertising of New School Building
June 9, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt informs General A. B. Upshaw that he has sent plans and specifications for the new school building to the Office of Indian Affairs. Pratt requests that he be given permission to advertise immediately in order to overcome the delay in passing the Indian Bill.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return John Elm
June 12, 1888

Lewis Elm requests the return of his son, John Elm, from the Carlisle Indian School. Elm states that his son has been at Carlisle for three years which is the term he agreed to when he enrolled. Elm states that Pratt is willing return his son but at his own expense; however, Elm claims that he is too poor to pay the travel expense and asks the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Response to Request to Enroll Henry Harris
June 14, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the enrollment of the Henry Harris at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that he would be happy to accept Harris at Carlisle to further his desire to become a teacher.

National Archives and Records Administration
Five Apache Students Transferred to Mount Vernon Barracks
June 21, 1888

William Endicott, Secretary of War, that he has directed the five youths referred to in the Department of Interior letter have been transferred from Fort Pickens to Mount Vernon Barracks. They will be held at Mount Vernon until an appropriation is available to transport them to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration