These materials include correspondence regarding the return of Blanche L. Shay to her home in Old Town, Maine from the Carlisle Indian School.
Student Travel Departing
This material includes correspondence concerning the departure and request to return home of James M. Parsons.
This material includes correspondence concerning the transportation home of James M. Parsons.
These materials include correspondence regarding a request to return Garfield Sitarangok and William King to their respective homes on account of health. A further request to return Samuel Anaruk to his home along with Sitrangok is included.
These materials include correspondence regarding the return of Alaskan students to their home and a request by the Superintendent to pay their fares.
These materials include a request by Robert Bruce to have the government pay his transportation back home. Bruce wished to leave Carlisle early to help his father plant the wheat crop at their home in Montana.
These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Joseph Chief Eagle to return to his home on the Pine Ridge Reservation from his outing home in Tullytown, Pennsylvania.
These materials contain correspondence regarding the return home of George Clifford and the expenses resulting from the transportation cost to send him home.
These materials contain correspondence regarding Supervisor Oscar Lipps' decision to send Edward Brien back to his home in North Dakota.
These materials contain correspondence regarding the return of Daisy Chase to her home in Federal Dam, Minnesota following a nursing program in Massachusetts and an outing with Mary E. Way of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Way requests funds to cover Chase's travel costs.