Richard H. Pratt compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, kindness towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries.
School Employees - General
Use when referring to issues regarding all employees or regarding an unspecified group of employees.
Edgar A. Allen, responds to an Office of Indian Affairs regarding temporary positions at the Carlisle Indian School during Richard Henry Pratt's absence.
Richard H. Pratt forwards requests from 14 employees to attend summer school: Edith McHarg Steele (librarian), Jeannette L. Senseney and Annie B. Moore (music teachers), Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Anne H. Stewart (sloyd teacher), and Fanny G. Paull, Clara L. Smith, Sadie E. Newcomer, Carrie E. Weekley, Mariette Wood, Jessie W. Cook, Flora…
Richard Henry Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Charles Cusick, Seth S. Ear, James E. Johnson, and Martha E. Parker) and those who have changed positions (Agnes May Robbins). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Josephine R. Walter, William Burgess, H. M. Robertson, O. T. Harris, S. W. Thompson, Rosa B. Brown, Mattie A. Harm, Dora M. Peters, and Lizzie C. Jacobs), those who have changed positions (E. G. Sprow, Howard E. Gansworth, and Elizabeth Searight), and…
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a request from Karl E. Enteman and requests that he be dropped from the assignments to Carlisle due to his request to delay his appointment. Pratt also requests additional names from the Civil Service Commission of individuals who can report by September 1, 1902.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Enoch M. Sherry and Amos R. Frank have not reported to the Carlisle Indian School as ordered.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Amos Frank has reported for duty.
Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report thats lists new employees (Frank T. Reising, Frances R. Scales, William Davies, Emma H. Foster, Genus E. Baird, Amos R. Frank, and Enoch M. Sherry), those that have left the school (Samuel J. Brown, Flora Laird, O. H. Bakeless, and Jessie W. Cook), those who have changed positions and/or been…
Richard H. Pratt submits the corrected report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during August 1902. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month. Pratt also includes irregular employee George White who was omitted on the previous report.
Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Laura Jackson) and those who have changed positions (Edgar A. Allen and Carrie E. Weekley). The report includes personal information about those changing positions as well as reasons for departure for those leaving.
Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have changed positions (Clara L. Smith and Emma H. Foster) and new employees (Oella C. Munch and S. Kendall Paull ). These reports include personal information about those being hired.
Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Joseph N. Jordan, Amos R. Frank, and S. Kendall Paul), those who have changed positions (Minnie L. Ferree), and a new employee (Mabel B. Sherry). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for…
Richard Henry Pratt compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries and position titles.
Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Johnson Bradley) and those who have changed positions (Kate S. Bowersox). These reports include personal information about those being hired.
Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (James Miller) and those who have started at the school (Joseph Hummingbird). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Miller's letter of resignation is attached.
Richard Henry Pratt compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries and position titles.
Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Carrie M. Kistler). These reports include personal information as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Pratt also sends a resignation letter from Kistler.
Richard H. Pratt submits his request for positions and salaries for the upcoming fiscal year, compared against the list of position for the current year. The list includes position titles, the number of employees for each position title, and salary. Pratt requests $52,050 for employee salaries in 1904, compared to $50,930 in 1903. Names of…
Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have changed positions (Mary Moffitt). These reports include personal information about those being hired.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that with the appointment of Olga Koerner that no provision for quarters or board are expected to be provided. Pratt also includes a list of employees who provide wither own quarters and accommodations.
Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Mary Moffitt and Elizabeth Searight) and those who have changed positions (Olga O. Koerner). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving.
Richard H. Pratt forwards 22 approved leave of absence requests to attend summer school or the Department of Indian Education at Boston: Ella G. Hill (laundry manager), Frances A. Veitch (assistant matron), Kate S. Bowersox (assistant principal & normal teacher), Florence M. Carter (small boys' manager), Bertha Canfield (seamstress),…
Superintendent Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Daisy C. Laird and Olga O. Koerner) and those who are new hires (Alice G. Turner and Elizabeth Searight). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Pratt also sends a…
Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Alice G. Turner) and those who have changed positions (Lila W. Connolly). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving.