An invitation for a Professor Heckman, probably Edgar Rohrer Heckman of Dickinson Preparatory School, to attend the 1898 commencement ceremony. It was the Nineteenth Anniversary and the Tenth Graduating Exercises of the school. The first page is an invitation, and the reverse features the program for the three-day event, March 1st to 3rd, 1898…
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections

A form that was filled out for Hastings Marshall Robertson's application to Dickinson College. It lists basic demographic information and information about Robertson's previous schooling.

A form for admission to Dickinson College, it has been filled out for James E. Johnson. It lists some basic demographic information and gives details about Johnson's previous education.

These materials include a copy of the Outing Rules that were signed on March 20, 1903 by William Moon and S. Reading Bodine. Also included are nine receipts to Bodine for salary paid to Moon as well as a request from Moon for funds to make purchase.

Pennsylvania Representative Marlin Olmstead delivers this speech on the Carlisle Indian School in the House of Representative on February 6, 1908.

A description of this item is not currently available.

The program for the Musicale, held by the Carlisle Indian Band and Girls' Mandolin Club. A total of ten selections, plus the Star Spangled Banner, were performed under the direction of Claude M. Stauffer. Photographs of both musical groups are featured on the program.

This program was distributed for the 1908 Commencement Exercises, which took place on Thursday, April 2nd. Inside features a portrait of Moses Friedman, the Superintendent, Francis E. Leupp, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Charles H. Dickson, the Supervisor-in Charge, as well as a portrait of the Class of 1908. Included is a full schedule…

The program for the Carlisle Indian School Alumni Association dinner that is held on April 2, 1908.

Naomi Greensky's copy of the Mercer Literary Society's Constitution and By-Laws. This edition is from 1909.

This folder includes documents related to August Kensler's employment in the Indian Service. He worked at Carlisle as storekeeper and then quartermaster from December 1, 1892 until May 19, 1914 when he resigned.
At the beginning of the folder is negotiation of his resignation (Kensler briefly resigned in February of 1914, rescinded…

A description of this item is not currently available.

These eight notecards were printed by the students of the Carlisle Indian School at some unknown time. They contain moral sayings or prayers, come in different sizes and colors, and may not have been printed at the same time.

Thanksgiving Service booklet with printed songs, readings and prayers, printed at the Carlisle Indian School Print Shop.

A description of this item is not currently available.

This is a monthly report for filled out by the Carlisle Indian School administration for the Department of the Interior. It is for the month of November, 1911, and includes ratings on a number of topics including the physical plant, cleanliness, truancy, moral conditions, and scholarship. The form is signed by Superintendent Moses…

Naomi Greensky's dance card for the Mercer Literary Society dance held on January 24, 1913.

This pamphlet for the 1913 Baccalaureate of the Carlisle Indian School includes the program for both the Baccalaureate Services and the Union Meeting of Christian Associations, which both took place on Sunday, March 30. A number of hymns and songs were performed for each service.

Program for the commencement concert on April 1, 1913 by the Carlisle Indian School band.

Naomi Greensky's Thanksgiving dinner menu at the Carlisle Indian School, held on November 27, 1913.

Naomi Greensky's dance card for the Mercer Literary Society dance held on December 13, 1913.

The typed transcript of Jeanette Pappin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Pappin was a student at Carlisle. In this document she is referred to as Jeannette Patten.
Pappin discusses the harsh demeanour of the Matron Anna Ridenour and friction between the students and Superintendent Friedman…

Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman requests that he be given permission to expel Charles Kelsey from Carlisle.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit W-1.

Naomi Greensky's program for the commencement concert on May 18, 1915 by the Carlisle Indian School band.

This program was distributed for a performance by the students as part of the Commencement Exercises for 1917. The play, "The Continental Congress," is taken from McBrien's "America First," and the school borrowed the costumes for the performance. It surrounds the formation of the first Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence…