Correspondence regarding the request for the return of Agnes Sanderville by her mother and grandfather as well as counterclaims by her father.
Towner, A. C.

Ohio Congressman Charles Dick forwards a letter of James E. Cavett to W. A. Jones regarding his appointment as a wagonmaker to the Carlisle Indian School.

James E. Cavett informs A. C. Towner that he reported to the Carlisle Indian School for employment but was refused to be placed by Richard Henry Pratt.

Frances B. Johnston informs A. C. Towner that she has received his letter regarding photographing the Carlisle Indian School. Johnston provides further details regarding the contract.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to request to return Ira Burd (here Bird).

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a copy of the Carlisle Weekly Herald which reprinted an article regarding accusations that White Buffalo killed three women. Pratt also forwards a copy of a telegram from the agent claiming that the article is entirely false. As a result Pratt requests the government bring a suit against the North…

Richard Henry Pratt returns letter of A. C. Towner regarding a request by Lydie Doxtator for the return of her son. Pratt notes that no letter was enclosed and there is no record indicating who is Doxtator's son.

Richard Henry Pratt informs A. C. Towner that he will be in the Office of Indian Affairs office to discuss the eligible list for physicians.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Lewis Sawyer's claims that he did not consent to his son Frank being sent to Carlisle. Pratt further contends his desire to return Frank Sawyer to Carlisle is for the sake of discipline.

Correspondence between Senator Porter J. McCumber and others regarding the return of Maggie Venne to her home. The final letter indicates that Venne is return from outing in order to be sent home.