Linnen, Edward B.

Displaying 51 - 70 of 70 records
Employee Requests for Raises and Housing Allowances, 1914
March 14, 1914 - July 17, 1914

These materials include correspondence regarding requests from numerous employees for salary increases and on-campus housing provisions. During the 1914 Congressional Investigation, investigator Edward Linnen noted the need for salary increases for many employees, and for more on-campus housing to counter the high cost-of-living for employees…

National Archives and Records Administration
First page of a type-written letter, "Ex H" hand-written in the top right corner
March 18, 1914

John Whitwell writes a letter to Inspector Edward Linnen about events in the aftermath of the investigation Linnen undertook in winter of 1914. This includes meetings between a student and the matron Anna Ridenour and music director Claude Stauffer and an effort by a notary to have employees sign a statement in support of Superintendent…

National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of affidavit, "Ex G" handwritten in top right corner
March 18, 1914

Julia Hardin answers questions from Inspector Linnen about the aftermath of her testimony before Congress.

In Inspector Linnen's supplemental report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit G. 

Note: This content discusses an incident of corporal punishment, which some may find…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First type-written page of the first affidavit, "Ex B" is hand-written in the top right corner
March 20, 1914

In the first affidavit, Siceni Nori answers questions posed by Inspector Edward Linnen about the financial mismanagement of Superintendent Friedman’s administration and Nori’s role in that mismanagement. At the time Nori was Chief Clerk at Carlisle. In the second affidavit Nori answers questions about the disposal and purchase of government…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of affidavit, "Ex C" is handwritten in the top right corner
March 21, 1914

In this affidavit Kensler (Quartermaster at Carlisle) answers questions about the sale of government property and the management of government funds by Superintendent Friedman.

In Inspector Linnen's supplemental report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit C. 


Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit, "Ex J" handwritten in top right corner
March 21, 1914

In this affidavit Beatrice Herman (a clerk at Carlisle at the time) answers questions about Siceni Nori’s role in the financial mismanagement of Superintendent Friedman’s administration.

In Inspector Linnen's supplemental report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit J.


Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of type-written affidavit, "Ex I" hand-written in top right corner
March 21, 1914

In this affidavit Gus Welch (a student at the time) gives a statement about a letter allegedly written by Jim Thorpe. Welch says that the letter (in which Thorpe said that Warner and Friedman knew nothing of Thorpe’s professional playing) was written by Warner and Friedman and Thorpe was pressured to copy it out and publish it to protect their…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Expenditures for Student Labor and Repairs
March 23, 1914 - February 20, 1915

These materials include correspondence and financial documents related to the expenditure of funds on student labor and materials to make repairs and improve the grounds at the Carlisle Indian School.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Typed page with handwritten "Exhibit A" in top right corner
March 23, 1914

This document is a list of student names and corresponding addresses. A small number of students have multiple addresses, possibly accounting for them moving elsewhere.

While this is labelled Exhibit A and is part of the 1914 Congressional Investigation's papers, the document itself does not match the description that Inspector Linnen…

National Archives and Records Administration
First page of list, a heading and then list of numbers
March 23, 1914

This document is a list of numbers which are said to be all payments made by the Carlisle administration to have construction work done by outside contractors in the year of 1913 and the month of January of 1914. There is no further context for each number. The sum of the payments at the bottom of the list reads $6,539.

This document is…

Financial Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed report
March 23, 1914

Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings from a follow-up visit to Carlisle for the 1914 investigation of the school. 

In the first section Linnen narrates his findings of further financial mismanagement includes having the government pay for transportation that students had already paid for out of their own funds, not…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
brown paper with Warner, Glenn S. written on it and a stamp "Active Status."
December 21, 1906 - September 26, 1914

The service file compiled by the Office of Indian Affairs for Glenn S. Warner which covers only a brief period at the end Warner's tenure as Athletic Director at Carlisle. Most of the content concerns the negotiations between Warner, Superintendent Lipps, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs about how Warner would leave the school and what he…

Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Cover page of volume 3 of congressional testimony on Carlisle
March 25, 1914

The typed transcript of S. J. Nori's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Nori was serving as the chief clerk at the school, having attended the school (from 1884-1894, not continuously) and then begun working at Carlisle as a clerk around 1900.

In his testimony Nori answers questions about his…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of type-written transcript in purple ink
March 27, 1914

M. I. Zeigler answers questions from Inspector E. B. Linnen concerning the closure of the harness shop at Carlisle. Zeigler explains that he thinks Superintendent Friedman closed the shop because Zeigler did not award a contract to one of Friedman's friends. 


Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of type-written document which lists charges preferred against Nori
April 1, 1914-April 3, 1914

These documents include correspondence about the suspension and eventual firing of Chief Clerk at Carlisle, Siceni J. Nori. The charges and his answer to those charges are also included. Most charges concern Nori's role in filing false financial vouchers and destroying receipts related to certain transportation vouchers.


Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Type-written letter, off-white paper and blue ink from Asst. Attorney General
October 22, 1908-November 13, 1917

These materials primarily consist of correspondence between the Office of Indian Affairs and the U. S. Department of Justice, in particular an Assistant Attorney General Charles Warren. In this correspondence, officials discuss whether or not former Superintendent Moses Friedman and former Chief Clerk Siceni Nori should be tried in a federal…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Type-written page in black ink "Mr. Shirely" is hand-written across the top
August 19, 1914

Two memos between government officials which discuss what laws or court cases are relevant to the investigation into the mishandling of money of the students of Carlisle. These were compiled in the wake of the 1914 Congressional Investigation at Carlisle where it was discovered that certain funds deposited for students for transportation were…

National Archives and Records Administration
a type written note with the heading "Department of Justice"
August 20, 1914

A list of documents related to the charges against Moses Friedman and Siceni J. Nori in the aftermath of the 1914 Congressional Investigation at Carlisle as prepared by the Department of Justice. 


National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding Enrollment of Elizabeth Fish
February 20 - June 29, 1915

These materials include correspondence regarding the application of Elizabeth Fish to attend the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Present Addresses of Susie Wallace and Margaret Buffalo
February 24, 1915

These materials include correspondence regarding the current addresses of Susie Wallace and Margaret Buffalo.

National Archives and Records Administration