Studio portrait of August Kensler, who served as quartermaster and storekeeper at the school.
Kensler, August
Mr. August Kensler, Storekeeper/Quartermaster, ~1893-1913

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs the proceedings of the Board of Survey concerning worn out, broken, or no longer usable items at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt sends the Commissioner of Indian Affairs a report on leave of absences taken by numerous employees during the fiscal year 1892-1893: A. J. Standing, C. R. Dixon, C. H. Hepburn, W. G. McConkey, A. S. Ely, W. P. Campbell, M. Burgess, E. L. Fisher, E. A. Cutter, M. E. B. Phillips, F. G. Paull, A. C. Hamilton, and D. F. Botsford…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards recommendations of a Board of Survey concerning disposal of various supplies for sale, repair, or destruction.
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, Applications, and Resignations, September 1894

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (L. A. Bender, Annie B. Moon, T. S. Reighter, Fannie E. Russell, Clara Anthony, Richard Davis, Bessie R. Jamison, Joshua Walker, W. P. Campbell, Philip L. Drum, T. L. Deavor, and M. J. Campbell) and all employees working at the school in September 1894.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards in triplicate the proceedings of a Board of Survey concerning the disposition of cattle infected with tuberculosis.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of staff and the location and number of rooms assigned for their use at the Carlisle Indian School.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa.

Report of Carlisle Indian School employees with a salary of over $300 and their legal residence and date of the entrance into the Indian Service as a permanent employee.

Work diary of Milton I. Zeigler, harness maker and instructor, at the Carlisle Indian School. Zeigler notes that he took over the harness shop on August 9, 1900 and details daily information related to the shop.

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists all school employees (W. B. Beitzel, Fannie I. Peter, S. J. Nori, W. H. Miller, Nellie V. Robertson, W. Grant Thompson, O. H. Bakeless, Kate S. Bowersox, Emma A. Cutter, Mariette Wood, Jessie W. Cook, Florence M. Carter, Fanny G. Paull, Jessie L. McIntire, Sadie E. Newcomer, Clara L. Smith, Margaret…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Storekeeper August Kensler's request for a 30 day annual leave of absence.

Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Josephine R. Walter, William Burgess, H. M. Robertson, O. T. Harris, S. W. Thompson, Rosa B. Brown, Mattie A. Harm, Dora M. Peters, and Lizzie C. Jacobs), those who have changed positions (E. G. Sprow, Howard E. Gansworth, and Elizabeth Searight), and…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that with the appointment of Olga Koerner that no provision for quarters or board are expected to be provided. Pratt also includes a list of employees who provide wither own quarters and accommodations.

Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Elizabeth E. Forster, Jessie L. McIntire, Annie Belle Moore, Joseph Hummingbird, and Lila H. Connolly), those who have changed positions (William Davies, Florence M. Carter, and Margaret Roberts), and all employees working at the school to start the 1903-…

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Luzena E. Tibbetts, Anna Goyituey, and Helen E. Krise), those who have left the school (Fannie I Peter, Enoch M. Sherry, and Mabel B. Sherry), and those who have changed positions (W. Grant Thompson, August Kensler, Howard E. Gansworth, Jessie W. Cook, Agnes May Robbins, Sadie F…

William A. Mercer forwards a copy of a circular issued to Carlisle Indian School employees involving a reorganization of positions at the School. Mercer requests that the circular be approved by the Office of Indian Affairs.

William A. Mercer forwards the results of a board of survey convened by James McLaughlin, U.S. Indian Inspector, to dispose of property at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that no proposals were received following the advertisement for horses and mules. Included is a note from August Kensler and the advertisement.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Jeannette L. Senseney, Emma G. Sky, Elizabeth Searight, Ida Boger, and George Brown Jr.) and all employees working at the school to start the 1905-1906 fiscal year. These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for…

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists an employee who has left the school (Genus E. Baird) and all employees working at the school to start the 1906-1907 fiscal year. These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving.

August Kensler requests certain items be excluded from the list of articles to be condemned and rather be dropped. William A. Mercer forwards the request to the Office of Indian Affairs with the recommendation that it be given favorable consideration.

William A. Mercer forwards the names of staff who live outside the limits of the school grounds including staff who live on the school farm.

William A. Mercer forwards explanations from the Assistant Superintendent, Financial Clerks, and Quartermaster as to the delay in sending the annual estimate for the 1908 fiscal year.

W. S. Olive, Special U.S. Indian Agent, reports on various unaccounted funds that William A. Mercer has failed to take up in his accounts. Olive further goes on to report the repair of Glenn "Pop" Warner's automobile in the school paint shop.

This folder includes documents related to August Kensler's employment in the Indian Service. He worked at Carlisle as storekeeper and then quartermaster from December 1, 1892 until May 19, 1914 when he resigned.
At the beginning of the folder is negotiation of his resignation (Kensler briefly resigned in February of 1914, rescinded…