Ferree, Minnie L.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 26 records
Descriptive Statements of Changes in School Employees and Resignations, September 1900
August 25 - September 26, 1900

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Laura Jackson, Pearl McArthur, W. Lewis Haldy, M. I. Zeigler, D. E. Miller, Kittie Odell, Malcolm W. Odell, and Minnie L. Ferree ) and those who have left the school (Ellen R. Dorsett and Annie Kowuni). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Appoint Minnie L. Ferree Fill Domestic Science Position
September 14, 1900

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Minnie L. Ferree fill a permanent domestic science teacher position.

National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, Application, and Resignations, August 1901
April 13 - August 2, 1901

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists all school employees (W. B. Beitzel, Fannie I. Peter, S. J. Nori, W. H. Miller, Nellie V. Robertson, W. Grant Thompson, O. H. Bakeless, Kate S. Bowersox, Emma A. Cutter, Mariette Wood, Jessie W. Cook, Florence M. Carter, Fanny G. Paull, Jessie L. McIntire, Sadie E. Newcomer, Clara L. Smith, Margaret…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Requests to Attend Summer School and Annual Leave
June 5, 1901

Richard H. Pratt forwards twenty-one applications for leave of absence for employees: Jessie L. McIntire (Teacher), Jeannette L. Senseney (Music Teacher), Irne Marie Vander Mey (Assistant Cook), W. Grant Thompson (Disciplinarian), Sadie E. Newcomer (Teacher), Florence M. Carter (Teacher), Fanny G. Paull (Teacher), Josephine R. Walter (Teacher…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Sixteen Certificates of Attendance at Summer School
July 12 - September 21, 1901

Richard H. Pratt forwards certificates of attendance at summer school for 16 employees: Bertha Canfield (seamstress), Elizabeth E. Forster (drawing teacher), Anne H. Stewart (sloyd teacher), Annie B. Moore and Jeannette L. Senseney (music teachers), Minnie L. Ferree (domestic science teacher), Edith McHarg Steele (librarian), and Agnes May…

Letters/Correspondence, Memorabilia and Ephemera, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Forty-Six Reports of Leave Absence Taken by Employees
September 23, 1901

Richard H. Pratt forwards forty-six reports on leaves of absence taken by employees: Sadie E. Newcomer (teacher), Margaret Roberts (teacher), Josephine R. Walter (teacher), M. Burgess (superintendent of printing), Dora M. Peters (assistant laundress), Etta S. Fortney (assistant laundress), Ella Albert (assistant laundress), Jennie Wolf (…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Minnie L. Ferree's Application for Annual Leave of Absence
May 16, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Domestic Science Teacher Minnie L. Ferree's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence. 

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Discusses Exam for Domestic Science Teacher
May 20, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Minnie Ferree has received blanks from the Civil Service Commission to take an examination as a matron. Pratt notes Ferree currently holds the Domestic Science Teacher position which is not representative of the duties of a matron. Pratt further expresses his discontent with the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Update on Domestic Science Teacher Position
June 2, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Mary Richardson applied for a Civil Service Commission examination for the domestic science teacher position but was informed that no exam is to be held. Pratt requests that the matter be taken care of and the position be made permanent.

National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, July 1902
May 19 - July 29, 1902

Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Josephine R. Walter, William Burgess, H. M. Robertson, O. T. Harris, S. W. Thompson, Rosa B. Brown, Mattie A. Harm, Dora M. Peters, and Lizzie C. Jacobs), those who have changed positions (E. G. Sprow, Howard E. Gansworth, and Elizabeth Searight), and…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Fifty-One Reports on Leave of Absence
September 24, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt forwards fifty-one reports on leave of absence for several employees: Agnes May Robbins (teacher), Elizabeth E. Forster (drawing teacher), Etta S. Fortney (assistant laundress), Kate S. Bowersox (normal teacher), Beckie L. Goodyear (assistant seamstress), Mary E. Lininger (assistant seamstress), Ella G. Hill (laundry manager…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Minnie L. Ferree to be Assigned as Domestic Science Teacher
November 6, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Minnie L. Ferree be assigned as a matron elsewhere in the Indian Service and then immediately transferred back to Carlisle as a domestic science teacher.

National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statements of Changes in School Employees and Resignation, November 1902
October 31 - November 28, 1902

Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Joseph N. Jordan, Amos R. Frank, and S. Kendall Paul), those who have changed positions (Minnie L. Ferree), and a new employee (Mabel B. Sherry). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
22 Requests to Attend Summer School
May 20 - June 12, 1903

Richard H. Pratt forwards 22 approved leave of absence requests to attend summer school or the Department of Indian Education at Boston: Ella G. Hill (laundry manager), Frances A. Veitch (assistant matron), Kate S. Bowersox (assistant principal & normal teacher), Florence M. Carter (small boys' manager), Bertha Canfield (seamstress),…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Minnie L. Ferree's Application for Annual Leave of Absence
May 28, 1903

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Assistant Matron Minnie L. Ferree's application for a 28-day annual leave of absence. 

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
23 Certificates of Attendance at Summer School
July 1 - September 15, 1903

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards certificates of attendance at summer school for 23 employees: M. S. Barr (nurse), Bertha Canfield (seamstress), Kate S. Bowersox (assistant principal & normal teacher), Florence M. Carter (small boys' manager), Frances A. Veitch (assistant matron), Ella G. Hill (laundry manager), Jeannette L.…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, August 1903
April 11 - August 1, 1903

Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Elizabeth E. Forster, Jessie L. McIntire, Annie Belle Moore, Joseph Hummingbird, and Lila H. Connolly), those who have changed positions (William Davies, Florence M. Carter, and Margaret Roberts), and all employees working at the school to start the 1903-…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
One Request for Leave of Absence and Two Reports on Leave of Absence
September 24, 1903

Edgar A. Allen (acting superintendent) forwards one request for leave of absence: M. Burgess (superintendent of printing). Allen also forwards two reports on leave of absence: M. Burgess (superintendent of printing) and Minnie L. Ferree (assistant matron).

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Two Applications for Leave of Absence
November 6-10,1903

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards two applications for leave of absence for employees: William Davies (music teacher) and Frances R. Scales (teacher). Allen also responds to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs' previous letter concerning the leave of absence of several employees in an explanatory cover letter.  

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Minnie L. Ferree's Request for Annual Leave of Absence
June 1, 1904

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Minnie L. Ferree's request for a 29-day annual leave of absence. Ferree works as an assistant matron. 

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Certificates of Attendance at Summer School
July 1 - September 21, 1904

Captain W. A. Mercer forwards certificates of attendance at summer school for fifteen employees: Ella G. Hill (laundry manager), Minnie L. Ferree and Effie Moul (assistant matrons), Margaret O. Eckert (seamstress), Anne H. Stewart (sloyd teacher), Fred W. Canfield (drawing teacher), Jeannette L. Senseney (music teacher), and Clara L. Smith,…

National Archives and Records Administration
Fifty-Five Reports on Leave of Absence
September 20-30, 1904

W. A. Mercer forwards fifty-five reports on leave of absence and seven applications for leave of absence for fifty-five employees: Mariette Wood (teacher), William Normast (instructor in tailoring), Nellie V. Robertson (clerk), Fanny G. Paull (teacher), Frances R. Scales (teacher), Jeannette L Senseney (music teacher), W. S. Dysert (instructor…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Minnie L. Ferree Requests Transfer to Domestic Science Position
November 17, 1904 - December 1, 1904

Minnie L. Ferree requests a transfer to a domestic science position either in Alaska or the West Coast. William A. Mercer provides additional information.

National Archives and Records Administration
Minnie L. Ferree Requests Meeting with Indian Office to Discuss Transfer
December 5, 1904

Minnie L. Ferree requests a meeting at the Indian Service to discuss a possible transfer through William A. Mercer. Mercer provides additional information on Ferree's request.

National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statements of Changes in School Employees, December 1904
December 20, 1904

Major William A. Mercer submit a report that lists new employees (Stacy Matlack and Ella Matlack), those who have left the school (M. Burgess and Minnie L. Ferree), and those who have changed positions (Effie Moul). The reports include the position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure. 

National Archives and Records Administration