Studio portrait of Harriet Mary Elder possibly wearing school uniform.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH1-013b and CS-CH-012.
Studio portrait of Harriet Mary Elder possibly wearing school uniform.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH1-013b and CS-CH-012.
Studio portrait of Henry P. Taawayite.
The caption reads: Noted Indian Chiefs.
The printed note on the reverse side reads: NOTED INDIAN CHIEFS Who have visited the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. Spotted Tail, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
2. Iron Wing, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency,…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: NOTED INDIAN CHIEFS Who have visited the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. Spotted Tail, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
2. Iron Wing, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
3. American Horse, Sioux Chief, Pine…
Studio portrait of Irvine Chodoque.
Studio portrait of Jennie Waupoose (seated at left), Elizabeth Dixon (standing at rear), and Alice Neopet (seated at right), with teacher Sarah Mather (seated in center). Each girl is holding a doll.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has three copies of this image: CS-CH-063.1-.2 and PA-CH1-041b.
Studio of John D. Miles.
Studio portrait of Kisetta Roosevelt and Jack Mather. Roosevelt is wearing a school-issued print dress and Mather is wearing a school uniform.
Studio portrait of Lamotte Primaux wearing school uniform.
View of the Boys' Quarters with students in uniforms posed on the porches and in the yard in front of the building.
Studio portrait of Lydia Harrington probably wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Mary Ealy, Nellie Carey, Mary Perry, and Jennie Hammaker, posed with teacher Mary Hyde. The students are all wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Mitty.
Studio portrait of five male students and four female students, all wearing school uniforms. The caption states that they are from the Arapaho nation and all arrived in February 1881.
The printed note on the reverse side reads: OUR BOYS AND GIRLS At the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. White Buffalo, Cheyenne, I. T.
2. Mittie Houston, Wichita, I. T.
3. Samuel Townsend, Pawnee, I. T.
4. Nancy Renville, Sisseston Sioux, D. T…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: Ouray and his wife Chipeta; Utes.
This is a copy photographer J.N. Choate made of a portrait taken in 1858 and marketed by Mathew Brady. Choate made a copy of the Brady image and marketed it as his own. Ouray is included in Choate's composite of chiefs who had visited the…
Studio portrait of Owen Yellow Hair wearing a uniform.
View of the Superintendent's Quarters with the chapel visible beside it. Richard Henry Pratt, his wife, and an infant are posed in front of the house with a Native American man. There are two young girls on the front porch and two people on the second floor balcony.
Studio portrait of a woman identified in the caption as Miss Sarah Mather.
Mather appears to be dressed in the same clothing she is wearing in the photo of her with a group of female students (see Related Images).
Portrait of twelve male students, all wearing uniforms and holding instruments, in front of the bandstand on the school grounds. In the glass plate negative version of this image [version 1] a white woman, also holding an instrument, can be seen at the far right. In the print versions of this image she is almost entirely cropped out,…
Studio portrait of Sheldon Jackson (left), Harvey Townsend (center), and John Shields (right), all wearing school uniforms.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society also has two copies of this image: PA-CH1-031b and 12-26-02.
Studio portrait of six male students, all wearing school uniforms. The caption identifies them as being from the Osage tribe.
Cumberland County Historical Society Staff have identified Fred Lookout as the student in the front row, far right, based on comparison with other photos.
The Cumberland County Historical…
Studio portrait of Standing Bear, a Sioux chief, with his son, Luther Standing Bear.
Studio portrait of Standing Buffalo, a Ponca chief.
The student newspaper records a visit by Standing Buffalo to the school in January of 1881, so that is probably when this photo was taken.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has three copies of this image: PA-CH1-063a and CS-CH-032.1-.2.
Ten male Creek students posed at the bandstand on the school grounds. All are wearing school uniforms. In the front row (from left to right) are: Almarine McKellop, Robert Stewart, Alexander McNac, Ellis Childers, Samuel Checote, and Corenlius Carr. In the back row (front left to right) are: Benjamin Marshall, James Bell, Samuel Scott, and…