William A. Mercer provides the Office of Indian Affairs with an estimate of supplies and materials for the proposed new hospital building as well as cost of labor.

Carlisle Indian School physician Ferdinand Shoemaker requests that the new hospital being planned include verandas on both levels and on as many sides as possible. William A. Mercer furthers Shoemaker's request and asks that at least two sides include porches.

W. G. Thompson discusses the excavation for the new hospital building and provides a sketch of the ground on which the hospital is being built.

Harry G. Brown requests information regarding the proposed hospital at the Carlisle Indian School in order to make a bid to erect the building.

William A. Mercer requests the plans for the new hospital building be completed as soon as possible in order to begin construction.

William A. Mercer requests forms for posters printed requesting bids for the new hospital building at the Carlisle Indian School to be forwarded to him.

William A. Mercer requests that the Superintendent of Carlisle Indian School be made the superintendent of construction for the new hospital construction. Mercer notes that the school has carpenters and other tradesman to complete the construction. He further requests the contracts be sent out as early as possible to complete construction by…

William A. Mercer makes suggestions to the hospital building plans under construction concerning the lavatories and sewer connections.

J. R. Wise requests information from William A. Mercer related to the height of the ceilings of the one-story wings of the new hospital building. Wise notes that having the ceilings of the wings differ from the rest of the building would make it more difficult to add an additional story later on
Mercer forwards the letter to the…

Superintendent William A. Mercer explains that there was a slight delay in completing the construction of the new hospital because they switched the foundation from brick to stone and lowered the ceilings from 12 to 10 feet in two wings of the building. He requests that no deductions in pay are made from the original contract with contractor…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards a voucher for the final payment to contractor Harry G. Brown to build the new hospital at the school.

Contractor and Builder Harry G. Brown requests the final payment from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for building the brick hospital at the Carlisle Indian School.
Acting Commissioner C. F. Larrabee informs Brown that he hasn't received payment yet because Brown finished the project late. Larrabee needs to ask the Superintendent how…

Contractor and Builder Harry G. Brown writes to Acting Commissioner C. F. Larrabee about the construction of the new hospital. He specifically provides dates of construction and discusses the decision to switch the foundation from brick to stone.

Carlisle Indian School William A. Mercer writes to the Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior Frank M. Conser to request that he sends contractor Harry G. Brown his final payment for building the new hospital

Contractor Harry G. Brown writes to the Commissioner of Affairs to demand payment for building the new hospital. Brown states that the payment is late by over 30 days and asks if the Commissioner needs any additional information to make the payment.

These materials include an inspection report performed by Superintendent of Indian Schools Estelle Reel in May, 1908. Reel's report mentions the buildings and grounds (including the new hospital), improvements since the previous visit, student oratory work, and student artwork.