Obadiah G. Given forwards the deed of trust covering the purchase of the Hocker Farm by the Carlisle Indian School.
Hocker Farm
Richard Henry Pratt forwards at the request of the Office of Indian Affairs five copies for the lease of the Hocker Farm signed by members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Pratt notes that Board was authorized to act in all matters pertaining to the Trust and that one of the members believes that they have full authority.…
Richard Henry Pratt requests the money for the Hocker Farm lease early in order to pay interest, taxes, and other expenses due on April 1, 1884. Pratt asks how to proceed to receive the funds in time.
Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his letter of February 27, 1884 regarding the Hocker Farm lease. Pratt notes that part of the $1000 now and the remainder to be used at the end of the month and asks how the payment should be made.
Richard Henry Pratt inquires of the Office of Indian Affairs how to disburse the Hocker Farm money as he has not heard a reply to his letters of February 27, 1884 and March 10, 1884.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to an inquiry by A. B. Upshaw, Acting Commissioner, regarding the charity fund by referring to previous annual reports as well as furnishing a copy of the deed of trust for the Hocker farm.
Richard Henry Pratt replies to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the lease of the Hocker Farm. Pratt notes that he believed the lease which was renewed in 1884 was for five years and was confirmed in this belief when the funds for the second quarter were granted without question and have already been paid.
Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to renew the lease on the Hocker Farm. Pratt provides the justification for the lease by claiming that the lease goes to support the charity fund which in turn is used to rent additional farmland including the Henderson and Sanno Farms. Pratt ends by stating that until the Parker Farm is purchased by the…
Isaac H. Maynard, Second Comptroller, requests written evidence of the renewal of the lease of the Hocker Farm for the benefit of the Carlisle Indian School be filed with his office.
Isaac H. Maynard replies to the request of John D. C. Atkins transmits a contract between James Andrew McCauley, Robert M. Henderson, and Richard Henry Pratt for the lease of the Hocker Farm.
Richard Henry Pratt proposes extending the lease the school has with the Hocker farm at $600 per annum and encloses the agreement for the indorsement of the Office of Indian Affairs while requesting it be returned.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs the agreement between the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Carlisle Indian School Charity Fund to reduce the rent of the Hocker Farm from $1000 to $600. Pratt notes that the agreement covers the period from July 1, 1887 to July 1, 1888 not from April 1, 1887 to…
Sigourney Butler, Comptroller, forwards the original contract between James Andrew McCauley, Robert M. Henderson, and Richard Henry Pratt for the lease of the Hocker Farm by the Carlisle Indian School.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs the lease of the Hocker Farm and requests its renewal by the Office's endorsement. Pratt also encloses the agreement between the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Carlisle Indian School to reduce the rent.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has received their letter advising the continuance for one year of the lease on the Hocker Farm.
Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay the rent of the Hocker Farm for the 1889 fiscal year to be paid quarterly.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards the lease for the Hocker Farm and requests that the lease be renewed for one year starting April 1, 1889 for $600.
Cover letter informing the Office of Indian Affairs that he has enclosed consent of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees to the extension of the lease of the Hocker farm at the reduced rent of $600 per year.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs circular by providing answers related to the Carlisle Indian School focused on the buildings and grounds as well as providing enrollment statistics. Additionally, included are lists of supplies including furniture in various buildings, utensils, farm stock, and tools in various…
Alfred John Standing forwards the lease of the Hocker Farm and requests it be renewed for one year beginning April 1, 1890 at the rent of $600. A copy of the lease is included.
Alfred John Standing invites attention to the request for renewal of lease of the Hocker Farm forwarded previously on April 4, 1890.
Alfred John Standing informs the Office of Indian Affairs that renewing lease of the Hocker Farm for three months from April 1, 1890 to July 1, 1890 is complicated by the absence of Richard Henry Pratt as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Standing notes that the other two members of the Board are living locally and…
Alfred John Standing forwards the lease of the Hocker Farm for three months beginning April 1, 1890 signed by two members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Carlisle Indian School Charity Fund with a certificate showing why the signature of the third member is missing.
Alfred John Standing informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has the funds on hand for the rent of the Hocker Farm through June 30, 1890.
Estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1892 amounting to $54,367.65 for support of the school, transportation of Indian supplies, and stock cattle.