Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay expenses associated with the return of two runaway students.
Students Running Away

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay voucher covering the return of three runaway students.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of a report from the school physician regarding the smallpox vaccine sent to the school. In addition, he notes a minor outbreak causing him to use the farm house as a hospital and purchasing different vaccine points from a local druggist.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding a letter from local attorney George Hayes pertaining to a student under discipline. (The student is not identified here.)

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a list of students who he recommends not be accepted at any other Government school.

Richard Henry Pratt proposes the Office of Indian Affairs send out instructions banning the enrollment of students who have runaway from another non-reservation school. He particularly notes a previous case related to the Haskell Institute.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request to return James Lock to his home.

Alfred John Standing informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Daniel S. Phillips deserted from the Carlisle Indian School and should be returned.

Edgar A. Allen forwards a list of students who have runaway from the Carlisle Indian School to the Office of Indian Affairs as well as superintendents of non-reservation schools.

Edgar A. Allen responds to letter from Princess Chinquilla regarding her son Harry K. Cole who ran away from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay the expenses in the return of Thomas Medicine Horse.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards his reply to G. L. Scott, Acting Indian Agent at the Leech Lake Agency, regarding Scott's request that he enroll a student who has previously runaway from two prior schools.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding a request by John Javine for the Office to help locate his son who had runaway. Pratt notes that since he written Javine he had since located his son.

Former student Edward Granger (here going by Edmond Granger) provides a statement of his educational history and requests to be re-enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School to complete his education.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. A. Jones about two runaway students.

W. A. Jones is informed that two runaway students should be returned to Carlisle.

Edgar A. Allen responds to a letter from William John regarding the punishment of two runaway students by whipping. John further requests to be released early from the Carlisle Indian School.

Edgar A. Allen forwards correspondence regarding the desertion of Jose Henry from his outing and subsequent work at a New Jersey farm. Allen requests Office assistance in returning Henry to Carlisle.

Edgar A. Allen responds to the request of Louis Sawyer for his son Frank Sawyer to remain at home without worry about being returned to the Carlisle Indian School after having run away.

Edgar A. Allen submits voucher covering expense of two tickets for William Hole-in-the-day and Simon Michelet, U.S. Indian Agent.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Lewis Sawyer's claims that he did not consent to his son Frank being sent to Carlisle. Pratt further contends his desire to return Frank Sawyer to Carlisle is for the sake of discipline.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request to return Nicodemus Billy to his home.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs inquiry by providing information on Harry K. Cole's time at the Carlisle Indian School.

J. R. Wise responds to a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding an inquiry from Princess Chinquilla who claims her son, Harry K. Cole, left money, a trunk, and a gold watch when he left the Carlisle Indian School.
Princess Chinquilla in her letter also requests a position for Cole in the Indian Service.

William A. Mercer responds to a letter from Alex Solomon requesting an honorable discharge for his son Michael Solomon from the Carlisle Indian School.