Marianna Burgess forwards four labels printed by a student at the Carlisle Indian School and recommends they be paid an additional 40 cents.
Student Wages

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to employ students over the summer at the school farms, industrial shops, and other skilled work.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay students for their work at the Carlisle Indian School over the summer vacation period rather than have them go on outing.

William A. Mercer outlines a plan to place students in assistant seamstress and assistant laundress positions.

Captain William A. Mercer acknowledges receipt of a circular from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs mandating that "authorized Indian Irregular Employees" must be paid at the end of each week.
Mercer argues that this new rule should not apply to Carlisle because students are only hired as irregular employees during vacation months, and…

Captain W. A. Mercer request permission from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to employ irregular student labor to build and improve school facilities during the spring and summer of 1905. Mercer notes that he hopes to pay his students between 50 and 75 cents per day, and that hiring students will allow the school to save money and for the…

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay $3,000 for student labor over the summer at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay student labor over the summer in lieu of them earning wages over the summer on outing.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay an additional $600 to pay for student labor over the 1906 summer.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for student labor over the summer months to build, repair, and alter buildings.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells writes a lengthy letter to G. McM. Ross in which he thoroughly disagrees with Ross' claim that Carlisle Indian School students should be paid for their labor, reasoning that the government pays for their lodging, food, and education, that students can earn money on outing, and that their labor at the…

These materials include correspondence and financial documents related to the expenditure of funds on student labor and materials to make repairs and improve the grounds at the Carlisle Indian School.

This material includes documents regarding Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps' request for authorization to pay students to work on the farm over the summer.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to pay irregular student labor for harvesting grain planted at the Carlisle Indian School which exceeded the previous fiscal authorization.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1916" account to pay students for irregular labor on the school farms and gardens.

These materials include correspondence regarding the income students made in the fiscal year 1915-1916 on the outing system, and the distinction between outing program income and income made through the industrial departments.