Edgar A. Allen responds to an Office of Indian Affairs circular by answering various questions. In particular he focuses on the industrial training of the school, the outing system, and provides details on the transportation costs incurred in bringing students to Carlisle.
School Farms - Animals and Livestock

Edgar A. Allen forwards bill and voucher for the veterinarian services provided by Dr. S. P. Bishop.

John R. Wise submits the report of farm statistics the Carlisle Indian School farms for the 1904 calendar year.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that during the months of October, November, and December there were 7 cows, 9 calves, 16 pigs, and one bull. Mercer asks for authority for the slaughter and notes that in the future authority will be sought before further actions are taken with the exception of a request for a general…

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that no proposals were received following the advertisement for horses and mules. Included is a note from August Kensler and the advertisement.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for veterinary services per the enclosed voucher and invoice as well as additional expenses which will arise during the fiscal year.

James Wilson, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, provides information related to the Von Behring vaccine for immunizing cattle against tuberculosis.

William A. Mercer requests to have William B. Gray be promoted from dairyman to assistant farmer. Mercer provides his reasons for asking the request and indicates the possible benefits of having a new dairyman.

William A. Mercer forwards the report of the farm statistics for the Carlisle Indian School for the 1905 fiscal year along with a map showing the location of farms and other "Indian School Lands." Mercer also includes a report of inventory of stock, tools, and other items.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs request regarding his recommendation to fill the dairyman position. Mercer notes that Norman Egolf who is temporary filling the position would be his recommendation but he is not currently eligible and that he will ask Egolf to apply for papers to take the examination.

William A. Mercer requests authority to sell 18 hogs and 1 boar at a private sale.

William A. Mercer forwards a voucher for horse-shoeing along with the bill and requests authority to pay for the service.

William A. Mercer renews his request to employ a horse shoer a couple days a week until a blacksmith is appointed.

William A. Mercer forwards voucher and bill of farrier's service due to the inability of the blacksmith to handle the feet of the horses. Mercer requests authority to pay for the service.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer requests to sell 30 hogs and 20 calves in the open market and to kill 40 hogs for the students to eat. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee grants permission for all three requests.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests permission to slaughter 20 calves and 30 hogs for his students to eat. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee gives Mercer his desired permission.

Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to test the school's cattle herd to determine how many cows are suffering from tuberculosis. He notes that infected cows can transmit the illness to humans through their milk.
The Acting Secretary of the Interior endorses and forwards Friedman's request to the Secretary of Agriculture…

Acting Chief of Bureau A. M. Farrington relays Dr. B. T. Woodward's findings from his investigation, which the Secretary of the Interior ordered, of the Carlisle Indian School's cattle herd. Farrington states that in October 1908, 23/71 cows had tuberculosis compared to 20 cows in June 1907. Farrington argues that this increase is the result of…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to sell 23 head of cows that reacted to a tuberculosis test. Friedman would like to sell them to a packing house where a Government Inspector is stationed. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee grants permission.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to sell 60 hogs. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G. Valentine grants permission for Friedman to advertise the sale and to sell them at auction.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G. Valentine grants permission for Superintendent Moses Friedman to sell 60 hogs.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to slaughter 60 calves, 60 hogs, and 20 old and unproductive cows for their students to eat. He also requests to sell 20 cow and 60 calf hides. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott authorizes all of Friedman's requests.

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to sell a horse since it is too small for heavy work and "not safe for single driving." Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott grants permission.

Acting Chief of Bureau of Animal Industry A. M. Farrington informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he will send a veterinarian to test the Carlisle Indian School cows for tuberculosis if he so desires.
Acting Commissioner F. H. Abbott informs Farrington that he would like the cattle tested.

These materials include correspondence and pamphlets related to circular orders and regulations in force at the Carlisle Indian School under Superintendent Moses Friedman. Friedman forwarded the documents to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for approval. The forwarded documents include a blank Pupil's Health Report, the Outline of Course for…