Notice of the death of White Shield is received by Richard Henry Pratt from U.S. Indian Agent John D. Miles. As a result Pratt requests authorization for sending home his son Harvey in order to provide help to the family. In addition, Pratt requests sending home two young Arapaho girls with Harvey as a chaperone.
Requests From Agents to Send Students Home
Does not include requests from families relayed by agents.

Lewellyn E. Woodin, U.S. Indian Agent for the Ponca, Pawnee, and Otoe Agency, requests that Luke Phillips a student at the Carlisle Indian be sent home immediately to serve as an interpreter for the agency.

Richard Henry Pratt writes regarding a promise made by Laban J. Miles, U.S. Indian Agent, that three students would be returned with the party of the Osage students being sent home. Pratt writes that this promise should be fulfilled and asks that Peliza who is at the Lincoln Institute be transferred back to Carlisle and along with Edward…

L. J. Miles, U.S. Indian Agent for the Osage Agency inquires about returning Osage students who were set to be transferred to Juniata College and replaced with full blood students. Miles indicates that it would be possible to pay for the expense out of the Osage Fund. Richard Henry Pratt endorses this view but notes that the matter is currently…

John H. Bowman, U.S. Indian Agent for the Navajo Agency, informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Tom Torlino should be returned home on account of his health and because he seems to be making no progress.

Alfred John Standing telegraphs that he has received word that Powder Face has died and the Agency requests that his son, Clarence Powder Face, be returned to the Agency.

L. J. Miles, U.S. Indian Agent for the Osage Agency, requests permission to return with a number of Osage students at the Carlisle Indian School due to requests from their parents.
Note: No student named Emma Ross attended Carlisle so it is likely that Miles is referring to Emily B. Ross.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter forwarding a letter from Agent T. J. Sheehan requesting the return of Charles Martin and Henry Hudson to the White Earth Agency. Pratt responds that Martin is a student at Carlisle while Hudson is a student at the Lincoln Institute (the Educational Home in Philadelphia). In…

The U.S. Indian Agent for the Navajo Agency requests from Richard Henry Pratt that Benjamin Damon a student at the Carlisle Indian School be employed a position as an interpreter at the Agency.
Pratt forwards the letter to the Office of Indian Affairs noting that Damon is competent in English and would quickly regain his ability to speak…

M. L. McKenzie, Clerk in Charge of the Pawnee Agency, requests the return of Luther Kuhns to the agency in order for him to employed as a carpenter at the agency. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the request to the Office of Indian Affairs stating Kuhns qualifications and noting that he will only be leaving school a month early and asks for…

Alfred John Standing responds to the request to return Egbert B. Hail (here both Big Hail and Edgar Big Hail) and Theron Lears to the Crow Agency. Standing states that despite the two being prisoners they have only been treated as students and he has no objection to their being returned.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request by the agent to return Sallie Face to her home.

Henry W. Sprole at the Fort Peck Agency requests the return of student Martha Washington from the Carlisle Indian School in order to employ her at the Poplar Creek School.

Request of George E. Doane, U. S. Indian Agent for the Quapaw Agency, for the return of Noah Hawk from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request of Acting Agent Henry W. Sprole for the return of Martha Washington so that she may work as a teacher at the agency school.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter which forwarded a letter to requesting the return of Lulu Bisnette. Standing also encloses a note from school doctor, Carlos Montezuma.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request from the agent to return Benjamin American Horse due to his health.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request to return George Fairbanks to his home.

These materials include correspondence regarding the return of Philomene Badger to her home in the Standing Rock Agency.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from the Superintendent of the Omaha Agency to release Antoine Lewis from his enrollment at Carlisle. The request was made as Lewis would have access to the public high schools in Bancroft, Nebraska.