Financial Affairs - Management

Use for discussion of bookkeeping and financial practices generally. When the topic is how or when financial paperwork was submitted, for example.  

Displaying 251 - 275 of 293 records
Claim for 72 Pairs of Shoes Amounting to $97.20 in favor of Shoe Company
November 4, 1914 - May 1, 1915

Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt acknowledges receipt of communication from Joseph M. Herman Shoe Co. regarding the Carlisle Indian School Supervisor in Charge refusing to pay a $97.20 bill for delivering shoes to the school. Meritt asks Supervisor in Charge Oscar H. Lipps for a full report on the matter. Lipps encloses all…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses
November 20, 1914

Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School Oscar H. Lipps requests $100 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. There is also an explanation of expenses authorized on October 14, 1914.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Spend $160.15 from 1915 Fund
December 17, 1914 - March 11, 1915

Superintendent O. H. Lipps requests to spend $100 to pay for incidental expenses incurred from the administration of the Carlisle Indian School from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1915" fund, and Second Assistant Commissioner C. F. Hauke approves his request.

Lipps later requests to add five expenditures totaling $60.15 to his…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Eggs
January 11, 1915 - March 10, 1915

Supervisor in Charge of Carlisle Indian School Oscar H. Lipps requests $100 for incidental expenses in association with the administration of the school. Lipps later requests approval for spending $8.40 for eggs. 

Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs informs Lipps that his requests have been approved.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Bill Dispute with Railroad Company
January 18, 1915

Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt provides information regarding a bill dispute with the Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad Company to Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps. Meritt advises Lipps to accept shipments from the company but not pay until receiving a receipt from the consignor.

National Archives and Records Administration
False Claim for $30.06 Train Ticket
January 22, 1915 - February 10, 1915

The Chicago and North Western Railway Company writes to the Indian Office requesting that a $30 train ticket be paid for. Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke informs Supervisor in Charge Oscar H. Lipps, who told CNWRC to write to the Indian Office, that they have no record of the claim. 

General Agent of The…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
February 17, 1915 - March 15, 1915

Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School Oscar H. Lipps requests $100 for incidental expenses in association with the administration of the school. He attaches an explanation of funds expended on an authorization from February 17.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Demurrage Charge on Shipment of Bran
February 25, 1915 - March 11, 1915

F. E. Shallenberger, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Auditor, asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs if he should pay a $1 demurrage charge to Western Lines on a shipment of bran from Portland Flour Mills to the Carlisle Indian School.

Assistant Commissioner E. B. Meritt informs Portland Flour Mills that it should be them to pay the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
April 7, 1915 - May 5, 1915

Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School Oscar H. Lipps requests $100 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. He also explains how funds requested from April 7 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Requests to Approve Spending $25 in favor of F. C. Bigelow
May 24, 1915 - July 12, 1915

Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School Oscar H. Lipps requests to expend $25 under authority No. 66968. Chief Clerk C. F. Hauke approves Lipps' request. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
August 31, 1915

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $100 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. He also explains how funds requested from July 2 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
October 7, 1915 - November 16, 1915

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School He also explains how funds requested from October 7, 1915 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
November 20, 1915 - January 17, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School He also explains how funds requested from November 20, 1915 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Error in Weighing and Charging for Laundry Starch
December 21-28, 1915

Henry C. Durand and Peter J. Kasper from Wholesale Grocers write to Chief Disbursing Clerk of the Department of the Interior George W. Evans regarding a weight difference in laundry starch that they shipped to Carlisle.

Evans forwards the letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and Assistant Commissioner E. B. Meritt informs…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Charge of Mileage Book to Athletic Association
January 21 - March 27, 1916

This document contains correspondence regarding a $20 mileage book, which former Superintendent Moses Friedman purchased from the Cumberland Valley Railroad and charged to the Athletic Association. After careful discussion about the legitimacy of the purchase, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells authorizes current Superintendent O. H.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
January 22, 1916 - February 17, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School He also explains how funds requested from January 22, 1916 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
February 25, 1916 - March 15, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. He also explains how funds requested from February 25 and March 3, 1916.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
April 7, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. He also explains how these funds have been and will be used.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
May 4, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School He also explains how these funds have been and will be spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Differences in an Abstract of Authorities
May 11, 1916 - May 17, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps encloses an abstract of authorities and asks to be informed of any differences. Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke returns the abstract with the differences marked in pencil.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
May 11, 1916 - May 31, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. He also explains how funds requested from May 11 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds for Incidental Expenses and Explanation of Authorities
June 3, 1916 - June 17, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $250 to pay for incidental expenses associated with the administration of the Carlisle Indian School. He also explains how funds requested from June 3 were spent.

Financial Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Denial of Claim to Pay Detective Investigating Sale of Liquor to Students
July 11 - September 1, 1916

Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps forwards a letter from attorney Addison M. Bowman and communication from Glenn S. Warner relative to a $53.75 claim from detective George W. Shuler, who was hired to investigate the illegal sale of liquor to students at the Carlisle Indian School. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt does not…

National Archives and Records Administration
Allotment of Funds for Supplies
July 17, 1916

Assistant Commissioner of Affairs E. B. Meritt transmits an Allotment of Funds to Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps. The funds, which amount to $25.00, are for purchasing and transporting Indian supplies.

Financial Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Reimbursement of Superintendent Lipps' Travel Expenses
July 17-27, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $300 for traveling expenses in fiscal year 1917. He explains that he needs the money to visit different schools in district number 1 to introduce a new course of study at these schools. 

Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt does not give Lipps the funds…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration