J. M. Haworth, Inspector, details various events in the Pueblo Agency including opposition to the schooling at the agency. Haworth reports that much of the opposition is a result of the religious nature of the schooling. He also notes that parents who had sent children to Carlisle have yet to visit them despite promises made at the time they…
Thomas, Benjamin M.

Benjamin M. Thomas, U.S. Indian Agent for the Pueblo Indian Agency, requests on behalf of the Pueblo Nation to take a delegation of eight individuals to visit their children at Carlisle and also to visit Washington D.C. Thomas also requests authority to bring two students to replace a Pueblo student who died at Carlisle and one who was returned…

Benjamin M. Thomas, U.S. Indian Agent at the Pueblo Agency, forwards a petition from Juan Cristobal and Teodosio Duran to visit their children at Carlisle. They note they were the principal supporters of sending students to Carlisle and as a result have been persecuted by others. By visiting and reporting on the condition of their children they…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter that was originally sent to Benjamin M. Thomas, U.S. Indian Agent at the Pueblo Agency, from S. A. Bentley a teacher in the Indian Service. Bentley's letter concerns the wishes of Frank Cushing's parents to have his body repatriated to Zuni. Pratt comments that this is not a simple matter and references the…

U.S. Indian Agent, Benjamin M. Thomas inquires of the Indian Affairs Office when a Juan de Jesus Paucha can be sent to Carlisle as his enrollment was promised during a visit of Pueblo to Washington D.C. Richard Henry Pratt notes that it is possible for Paucha to come on his own since the Navajo delegation he was suppose to come with is no…

Benjamin M. Thomas, U.S. Indian Agent for the Pueblo Indian Agency, requests information on sending a student from Cochiti to Carlisle in addition to sending more Pueblo students to Carlisle.

Benjamin M. Thomas, U.S. Indian Agent for the Pueblo Agency, refers the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to a prior letter to which he asks to send more students to the Carlisle Indian School especially a Cochiti student.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students to be returned to their homes due to various reasons along with various escorts.
Note: The student referred to here as Maurice Walker is also known as Maurice Yellow Hair.