Pratt, Richard Henry

Displaying 76 - 100 of 3786 records
Richard Henry Pratt and teachers [pose 1] [version 1], c.1887

Portrait of Richard Henry Pratt and the school's teachers posed on the school grounds.

Due to the presence of Dr. Obadiah Given, who worked at the school from 1884 to 1889, this image must have been taken during that period. Given is the man with the long beard sitting in front of Pratt. 

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Richard Henry Pratt and teachers [pose 1] [version 2], c.1887

Portrait of Richard Henry Pratt and the school's teachers posed on the school grounds. 

Due to the presence of Dr. Obadiah J. Given, who worked at the school between 1884 and 1889, this image must have been taken during that period. Given is the man with the long beard sitting in front of Pratt. 

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Pratt family with staff [version 1], 1884

Portrait of Richard Henry Pratt and his family posed with other adult white men and women with children, probably staff and teachers. 

Version 2 of this image is dated July 14, 1884. 

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Composite Images of the Carlisle Indian School

The handwritten note reads: CHOATE

The reverse side reads: Old Guard House    Capt. R. H. Pratt Supt.    Old Chapel.     Supt. Quarters.      Ass't Supt. Quarters     Small Boys' Quarters.  …

Photographic Print, B&W
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Richard Henry Pratt, 1890

The handwritten note reads: Capt Pratt. Supt of Indian School Carlisle Pa.

Photographic Print, B&W
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
T.J. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with Richard Henry Pratt and teachers [pose 2], c.1890

Portrait of T.J. Morgan, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, posed with Richard Henry Pratt and the school's teachers on the school grounds. 

The school newspapers reported a visited by Morgan to the school in February of 1890. It's possible that this photograph was taken at that time although the weather does not appear very wintry…

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
T.J. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with Richard Henry Pratt and teachers [pose 1], c.1890

Portrait of T.J. Morgan, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, posed with Richard Henry Pratt and the school's teachers on the school grounds. 

The school newspapers reported a visited by Morgan to the school in February of 1890. It's possible that this photograph was taken at that time although the weather does not appear very wintry…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Large group of male and female students #4, 1893

Portrait of a large group of male and female students posed on the steps of school building with Richard Henry Pratt and a white woman, presumably a teacher. 

Previous cataloging indicates the caption has a date of November 1893. 

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Richard Henry Pratt and General O.O. Howard with Sioux students, 1896

Portrait of Richard Henry Pratt and General O. O. Howard in the center of a large group of male and female students posed in front of a school building. The caption identifies the students as being from the Sioux nation and that the photograph was taken on February 28, 1896. 

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
American Horse [?] and Richard Henry Pratt with a large group of students [version 1], 1897

Portrait of a visting chief shaking hands with Richard Henry Pratt posed on the school grounds with a group of thirteen female students and seventeen male students. A white woman, probably a teacher, with a parasol or umbrella can be seen in the background near a school building. 

Previous cataloging, presumably interpreting caption…

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Promotional Image of School Band, c. 1899

The school band, posed on the school grounds with conductor Dennison Wheelock standing in the front. There are small inset oval images of Wheelock at top left and Major R. H. Pratt at right. 

Note that although this image is annotated as "1902," Dennison Wheelock was not the band leader at that time. 

Photographic Print, B&W
U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
Richard Henry Pratt [version 1], 1899

Studio portrait of Richard Henry Pratt in military uniform with sword, holding a helmet. 

This image appears in John N. Choate's…

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Richard Henry Pratt [version 2], 1899

Studio portrait of Richard Henry Pratt in military uniform with sword, holding a helmet. 

This image appears in John N. Choate's…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Pratt Family in the Snow, c.1900

The printed note reads: Photographed by J. N. CHOATE, No. 21 W. Main St., Carlisle.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Carlisle Indian School, Carlisle PA

Stereoscopic card showing Richard Henry Pratt and his family outside in the snow, in front of the Superintendent's Quarters at the…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Richard Henry Pratt Seated at His Desk, c. 1900

Richard Henry Pratt posed seated at his desk holding a document. 

Glass Plate Negative
Cumberland County Historical Society
Portrait of Richard Henry Pratt on a Horse, 1901

Richard Henry Pratt seated on a horse. 

In 1901 the Bureau of Indian Affairs contracted with the photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston to document the school at Carlisle for an exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Johnston visited the school in the…

Photographic Print, B&W
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division
Richard Henry Pratt, His Family, and Teachers, 1901

Richard Henry Pratt, his wife and children, teachers and probably school staff, posed on the steps of a school building. Two male students are standing on the porch of the building, presumably not supposed to be part of the photograph. 

In 1901 the Bureau of Indian Affairs contracted with the photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston…

Photographic Print, B&W
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division
Colonel Richard Henry Pratt

The caption reads: COLONEL PRATT.

This image appears in The Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.: 23rd Year (Carlisle, PA: The School, 1902) [p. 7].

Photograph, Reproduction
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Richard Henry Pratt and a Group of Former Students, c. 1903

Group portrait of Richard Henry Pratt with a large number of male and female Native Americans and a few white people. There are some children in the group. 

Among the group is former student White Buffalo, and it seems likely this is a group of former students who returned, along with Pratt, to attend the school's commencement in…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Preference that Pratt Stay at Hampton to Assist with Indian Students
December 20-30, 1878

Hampton Institute Principal Samuel Chapman Armstrong responds to Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt's inquiry regarding the need for Captain Richard Henry Pratt to stay at Hampton to help care for and manage the Indian students. Armstrong states that it would be best for the Indians and Hampton for Pratt to remain at the school.

National Archives and Records Administration
Need for Pratt to Choose Between Hampton Institute and his Military Service
January 9, 1879

Secretary of War George W. McCrary forwards and endorses a letter from the General of the Army in response to a request to grant Richard Henry Pratt the authority to remain at the Hampton Institute for three months. The note states that Pratt is supposed to be a cavalry officer in Texas, where he is needed, but has been absent for four or five…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sending "Florida Boys" at Hampton on Outings
January 14, 1879

Richard H. Pratt states that he currently has 57 male students at Hampton and is looking to recruit 20 female students. He goes on to say that he plans to send most of the former Ft. Marion prisoners currently enrolled at Hamtpon on outings, believing that placing Indian students in white families where they will learn a trade will help give…

National Archives and Records Administration
Recommendation of Carlisle Barracks as Location for Indian School
February 14, 1879

Spencer Fullteron Baird, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, writes to Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz to endorse Captain Richard H. Pratt's request to establish an Indian School at the Carlisle Barracks. Baird contends that there is "no better spot" to open an Indian School because the buildings at the barracks would be well-suited…

National Archives and Records Administration
Placing Hampton Students on Outing on Farms in Massachusetts
May 29, 1879

Richard H. Pratt informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt that it will take a week to place the male students from Hampton on farms in Massachusetts and then he will travel to Florida. Pratt expects to place a dozen male students on farms in Berkshire County as well.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives…

National Archives and Records Administration
Problem with Finding Outing Hosts in Massachusetts
June 2, 1879

Richard H. Pratt informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt that there are problems "persuading these Yankee farmers" in Massachusetts to be outing hosts for Hampton students. While seven farmers are interested in hosting a student, Pratt would like fifteen more.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm…

National Archives and Records Administration