American Horse

Displaying 26 - 33 of 33 records
Variety of Updates on the Carlisle Indian School
December 1, 1879

Richard Henry Pratt provides Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt with a variety of updates about the Carlisle Indian School: everyone is in good health, he will send Hayt a uniform sample in a few days, his corps of assistants is almost complete, he's found a clerk, he'd like to keep a former Carlisle Barracks employee on the staff for…

National Archives and Records Administration
A hand-written letter on yellowed paper
December 20, 1879

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt denies the request of American Horse to visit Washington DC and Carlisle (to see his children), citing concerns about the winter weather. Hayt says to W. McK. Heath (the recipient of the letter) that plans will be made for some of the members of the Oglala Sioux to visit Carlisle in the spring instead…

National Archives and Records Administration
Proposal to Send Industrial Articles to Rosebud and Pine Ridge Agencies
January 21, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt notes that when he spoke to American Horse and other Sioux Chiefs in 1880 as they returned home they were promised a light wagon produced at Carlisle. According to Pratt sending the wagons along with some tinware would be a good method to show the work being done by the students of the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Agency as well…

National Archives and Records Administration
Capacity of the Carlisle Indian School in 1882
January 24, 1882

Richard Henry Pratt details the additional capacity of the Carlisle Indian School at the beginning of 1882. He notes that the school is capable of having 200 boys and 125 girls on site at the school. In addition by sending students on the outing program the total capacity of the school further increase. He notes that there would be room for the…

National Archives and Records Administration
American Horse Requests Permission to Visit Carlisle
March 17-28, 1882

American Horse asks Richard Henry Pratt if he may come to Carlisle to visit his children attending the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he believes American Horse coming to Carlisle would help keep his children in school for another two years and he would not need to be accompanied or spied upon.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Request to Return Benjamin American Horse
August 25, 1894

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request from the agent to return Benjamin American Horse due to his health.

National Archives and Records Administration
Office Slip Indicating Pratt Sent Letter to American Horse
May 3, 1897

Card indicating Richard Henry Pratt sent a letter to American Horse inviting American Horse to visit the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Request to Return Alice and Sophia American Horse
June 6, 1898

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request to return Alice and Sophia American Horse.

National Archives and Records Administration