Studio portrait of White Wolf, a Comanche chief.
The school newspaper records a visit to the school by the chief in 1885.
Studio portrait of White Wolf, a Comanche chief.
The school newspaper records a visit to the school by the chief in 1885.
Studio portrait of White Wolf, a Comanche chief.
The school newspaper records a visit to the school by the chief in 1885.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH2-075c and CS-CH-035.
Studio portrait of William Tivis.
Studio portrait of Otto Wells wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Otto Wells wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Andrew Conover wearing school uniform.
A handwritten caption along the side of the image probably reads: A. Conover.
Studio portrait of William Tivis (at left) and Frank Everett (at right). Everett is wearing a school uniform.
Studio portrait of Alene Conover.
A handwritten caption along the side of the image probably reads: Alene Conover.
Studio portrait of Eustace Esapoyhet.
Studio portrait of Eustace Esapoyhet, Frank Everett, and two unidentified young men.
Studio portrait of thirteen male and five female students.
This appears to be a different version (people in different positions) of the graduating class of 1890. This is not the version that became the official photograph of the class.
Studio portrait of thirteen male and five female students, the second graduating class in 1890.
They are, back row, left to right: William Tivis, Jemima Wheelock, Dennison Wheelock, Stacy Matlock, Levi Levering, Veronica Holliday, Benjamin Lawry; middle row, left to right: George Means, Howard Logan, George Vallier (standing),…
Studio portrait of Otto Wells.
Studio portrait of Harold Parker, Laura Parker, and Juanada Parker.
Studio portrait of Neal Monoahsy [?] wearing school uniform.
Note: The caption for this photograph appears to be "Neil Mon." There is no student by that name. We believe this is Neal Monoahsy.
Though previously unidentified, a researcher has offered the following details about this photo. The sitters are all Comanche from Oklahoma. Pictured is Red Elk (seated left), Isatia (sometimes spelled Eshiti or called White Eagle, standing left), Chief Quanah Parker, Harold Parker (student and oldest son of Quanah Parker). The women pictured…
Studio portrait of Juanada Parker and Tawney Owl, both probably wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Laura Parker, Juanada Parker, Esther Parker (rear center), and Harold Parker.
Studio portrait of Neal Monoahsy.
Studio portrait of Laura Parker.
Studio portrait of Preston Pohoxiscut.
Studio portrait of the graduating class of 1906 with inserted single photos of two female students.
Students are marked with white numbers corresponding to the typed list of names below. They are:1. Yukkanatache, Dock, 2. Hill, Abram M., 3. Burrows, Emma, 4. Kingsley, Adeline, 5. Logan, Emma, 6. Bowen,…
Group portrait of twenty-three female students wearing costumes. They are the "Puritan Maidens Chorus," characters in the performance of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909.
The program lists a total of twenty-three female students playing Puritan roles, including the Puritan…
Studio portrait of Mikey Tahdooahnippah and David Iron Elk.
Two duplicate copies of the monthly school report for January 1880, submitted by the Carlisle Indian Training School to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The report includes a list of employees, a count of students by Nation/Tribe, descriptions of the educational program, and Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt's remarks about developments and…