Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the wife of teacher Enoch M. Sherry being certified for an appointment as teacher.
Hiring Preference for Single Employees

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the resignation of Daisy C. Laird. Pratt requests a male teacher "without family obligations" for her replacement.

Marianna Burgess submits her resignation as Superintendent of Printing at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests that the Office of Indian Affairs assign an unmarried man as a replacement.

Sara Pierre resigns her position as hospital cook at in order to continue her nursing studies at the Lawrence General Hospital. William D. Leonard forwards the resignation and notes that Pierre recommended Carlisle student Louisa French for the position. Leonard notes that if French is not sent that the position be filled with a young unmarried…

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs accepting the resignation of Charles C. Dillon as blacksmith. Mercer requests that an unmarried white man who is a good horseshoer in order to teach that branch of blacksmithing be taught in the school.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests information on the process of hiring a business teacher, who he wants to be male as well as unmarried. Acting Commissioner of Affairs C. F. Larrabee informs Friedman that, unless he has a specific person in mind, they will hold a competitive Civil Service exam. Friedman recommends…