Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs by informing them that the Carlisle Indian School is not suffering for not having a physician on staff. Pratt further states that he will submit his plans in the future.
School Employees - Medical Staff

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission from the Office of Indian Affairs to enter into an arrangement with local Carlisle, Pennsylvania doctors to treat students.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the need for irregular employee positions at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs increase the expenditure for services of an attending physician to $600.

Richard H. Pratt recommends that former student Ella Rikert be appointed "no higher" than an assistant matron in the Indian Service at South Dakota. Pratt and Assistant Superintendent A. J. Standing forwards Rikert's application to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Pratt also informs the Commissioner that Rikert is currently employed…

Richard Henry Pratt replies to a circular from W. N. Hailmann by providing information related to the duties of various positions at the Carlisle Indian School.

Ella Rickert requests transfer from the Carlisle Indian School to a Western State.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has made arrangements with Dr. S. L. Diven to serve as the school physician for the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the resignations of Kenall Paul (here S. Kendall Paul) and Cora B. Wheeler (both former students) from the school's staff.

Richard Henry Pratt recommends continuing the arrangement of having S. L. Diven continue as the School Physician in response to a Office of Indian Affairs letter.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Dr. S. L. Diven be continued for the 1901 fiscal year at $800.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he would prefer to discuss the school physician position at the Carlisle Indian School closer to the close of the fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding his thoughts on the school physician position. Pratt refers to his letter from a year prior and notes that nothing has changed since that time and requests to keep Dr. S. L. Diven at $800.

Richard Henry Pratt notes that as he has been unable to find a physician in the Indian Service with all the desired qualities he is looking for that he wants to continue the current arrangement with Dr. S. L. Diven.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the contract between the Carlisle Indian School and Dr. S. L. Diven to render medical services for the 1902 fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the transfer of Malcolm and Kittie Odell to the Pottawatomie School. Pratt also informs the Office that Dr. Clark of the Chemawa School has declined his transfer to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt follows up with the school physician vacancy as well as the transfer of Malcolm Odell to the position of the Superintendent of the Pottawatomie School. Pratt also makes recommendations for the transfer of Kittie Odell and internal changes.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the complaint of Dr. George W. Ira relative to his health exam sending students to Carlisle.

Contract between Dr. S. L. Diven and Richard Henry Pratt forwarded to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to have Dr. O. O. Benson reinstated to the Indian Service and appointed as a physician to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs A. C. Towner that he will be in the Office of Indian Affairs office to discuss the eligible list for physicians.

Eugene Talbott telegraphs his resignation as physician at the Carlisle Indian School.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Dr. Talbott has declined appointment to the position of physician at the Carlisle Indian School.

Edgar A. Allen responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter stating that Richard Henry Pratt would like to retain the present school physician on a contract basis until he is able to view the list of eligible candidates personally. Allen requests to continue the present arrangement or at a slightly lower amount.

William A. Mercer forwards copies of the contract with Dr. S. L. Diven for the 1904 fiscal year as well as the 1905 fiscal year beginning on July 1, 1904. Mercer also notes that he sent another note regarding an applicant for the position of resident physician.