Financial Accounts - Athletic Fund

Displaying 1 - 25 of 30 records
Audit of the Financial Transactions of Richard Henry Pratt
August 23, 1904

This audit and report, which concerns the finances of the Carlisle Indian School as administered by Richard Henry Pratt, was prepared immediately following his retirement as superintendent of the school. The report focuses on the use of non-governmental funds - charitable donations to the school, as well as income earned through athletics and…

Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Lease Alexander Farm
January 23, 1906

William A. Mercer forwards a lease of the farm belonging to Annie and Laura Alexander for use as a drill and athletic ground for the small boys as well as a play ground for the girls. Mercer notes that the farm has been paid for with the boys athletic fund for two quarters but that the fund can no longer be used.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Build Photography Studio with Funds from Bequest
April 10, 1906

William A. Mercer requests to use the bequest of Harriet W. Taber to build a photographic gallery or art building at the entrance of the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Elaborates on Plans for Photograph Gallery
June 1, 1906

William A. Mercer elaborates on his plan for building a photographic gallery at the entrance to the Carlisle Indian School using the bequest of Harriet W. Taber. Mercer states that he has already begun construction using athletic funds.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Responds to Unaccounted Funds Under His Supervision
March 1, 1907 - March 11, 1907

William A. Mercer responds to the report of W. S. Olive, Special U.S. Indian Agent, regarding unaccounted funds. Mercer states that the nature of the Athletic Funds means they should not be run through the Indian Office and he is willing to resign his position if it means complying with Departmental regulations.

National Archives and Records Administration
Response to Charges Against Carlisle's Football Squad
December 16, 1907

This document contains a letter responding to public charges made against the Carlisle Football Team concerning the eligibility of certain members. The letter discusses terms and lengths of student enrollment, the use of athletic funds in Carlisle's budget, and the academic responsibilities of student athletes.

National Archives and Records Administration
Materials Regarding Athletic Fund Disposition Following Investigation
1908 - August 23, 1918

Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…

Books and Pamphlets, Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Gathering Statistics on Former Students
July 15-24, 1908

These materials contain correspondence regarding Moses Friedman's plans to send an agent through territories to gather statistics on former students.

National Archives and Records Administration
Questions Regarding Use of Athletic Funds Following Investigation
June 25, 1913 - May 14, 1914

Oscar H. Lipps forwards a number of questions for the disbursement of the Athletic Fund following the investigation into Moses Friedman including paying for a lacrosse coach as well as building a new grandstand.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7, 1914

The typed transcript of August Kensler's first testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Kensler worked as quartermaster for Carlisle.

In his testimony Kensler explains his role in supervising the industrial training program and answers questions about the flour ration set by the Office of Indian…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7, 1914

The typed transcript of Glenn S. Warner's testimony before the Joint Committee to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Warner was working as the athletic director at the school.

In his testimony Warner answers questions about the formation and financial dealings of the Carlisle Athletic Association. He also discusses an incident of…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7, 1914

The typed transcript of John Whitwell's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Whitwell was the principal teacher at Carlisle.

In his testimony Whitwell begins by summarizing his duties as principal teacher then discusses negative influences on the academic program and narrates the difficulties in…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7-8, 1914

The typed transcript of Moses Friedman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Friedman served as the Superintendent for the school.

In his testimony Friedman argues that incompetent or antagonistic employees are the root cause of the poor conditions at the school. He answers questions about his…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7, 1914

The typed transcript of William H. Miller's second testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Miller was the financial clerk at Carlisle.

In his testimony Miller answers questions from Representative Carter (who seems to have left the room during Miller's previous testimony). Most questions concern…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7, 1914

The typed transcript of William H. Miller's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Miller was the financial clerk at Carlisle.

In his testimony Miller answers questions about the management of the Carlisle athletic association funds, double-checking the Commission's evidence against his own…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit
February 16, 1914

Given by John Wallette while he was a student at Carlisle, this affidavit discusses the character of Athletic Director Glenn Warner. Wallette relates his limited experience interacting with Warner and states that he believes the school athletes should know what is being done with the money they earn by playing. 

In Inspector Linnen's…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit
February 17, 1914

In this affidavit, student Peter Calac answers questions about the character of Athletic Director Glenn Warner and explains how his fare to return to the school for a second term was paid out of the Athletic fund (after Warner had recruited him to try football).

In Inspector Linnen's main report on the 1914 Congressional investigation at…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Type-written letter with "Ex H" hand-written in the top right corner
February 17, 1914

These documents (two letters and a telegram) discuss the transfer of the Carlisle Athletic Association funds into the control of the Supervisor in Charge at the school.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit H.


National Archives and Records Administration
Typed written page with hand-written "Ex I" on the top right
February 24, 1914

This document is a list of checks paid out the Carlisle Athletic Association funds. Compiled by Inspector Linnen during the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, Linnen explains that this is not comprehensive but covers payments he thought relevant to his report. The list is in chronological order and begins on February 11, 1907 and…

Financial Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
a hand written note that reads "Expenses to New York City, going and coming, and while there June 22-23. $22. M. Friedman"
February 24, 1914

Four receipts for expenses incurred by Superintendent Moses Friedman while travelling on two trips and for subscriptions for two newspapers The Sentinel and the Philadelphia Press. All four were paid for out of Athletic Association funds.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at…

Financial Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
type-written list of names and corresponding numbers, hand-written "Ex G" in top right corner
February 24, 1914

This document lists payments made or owed by student athletes at Carlisle in 1907 and 1908.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit G.


National Archives and Records Administration
First page of the itemized list, type-written, "Ex C" handwritten in the top right corner

This document lists money deposited into the Carlisle Athletic Fund from 1907 to 1914. The category “From Whom Received” lists the place or college where an athletic event was held.

For a text-searchable version of this list, see William H. Miller’s Second Testimony under Related Entries.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the…

Financial Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Conway Hall Tuition for Gus Welch
February 25, 1914 - March 5, 1914

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Gus Welch to have the Athletic Association pay the remainder of his tuition at Conway Hall (the Dickinson College Preparatory School). Internal notes in the materials suggest that Carlisle's administrators did not want to honor the request, despite receiving permission from the…

National Archives and Records Administration
First type-written page of the first affidavit, "Ex B" is hand-written in the top right corner
March 20, 1914

In the first affidavit, Siceni Nori answers questions posed by Inspector Edward Linnen about the financial mismanagement of Superintendent Friedman’s administration and Nori’s role in that mismanagement. At the time Nori was Chief Clerk at Carlisle. In the second affidavit Nori answers questions about the disposal and purchase of government…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of petition, typed in purpleish ink
March 21, 1914

Addressed to Commissioner Sells and signed by 55 student athletes, this petition asks that school athletic director Glenn Warner be removed for his position due to his poor moral character and conduct. The petition includes nine different critiques ranging from Warner's use of "profane and abusive language" to his practice of suppressing…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration