Teacher James W. Hendren requests to know from Daniel M. Browning whether he is to be transferred from the Carlisle Indian School and where the transfer is to in the Indian Service.
Employee Transfer Between Schools
Teacher James W. Hendren follows up on his request with W. N. Hailmann to know if he is to be transferred from the Carlisle Indian School to another position in the Indian Service.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the transfer of teacher James W. Hendren to the Genoa Indian School. Pratt states that in a telegram Hendren declined the transfer which Pratt approves.
Lulu M. Thomas informs W. N. Hailmann that she would accept transfer to Sante Fe as per his message.
Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding Carlisle employees suitable for being field matrons.
Richard Henry Pratt requests W. N. Hailmann transfer Lizzie M. Lampson to the Carlisle Indian School. He further requests meeting with Hailmann to discuss taking the teachers from the Civil Service.
Richard Henry Pratt requests the transfer of Herbert H. Johnson to the position of Assistant Disciplinarian along with Johnson's application to Pratt.
Herbert H. Johnson telegrams D. M. Browning requesting his transfer to the Carlisle Indian School rather than a transfer to Omaha.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a request to transfer from school physician Z. T. Daniel. Pratt further notes that as he is unable to find his physician he recommends Edmund Barry.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Florence Bonifant who was recently appointed to the position of Assistant Seamstress is unable to fill the duties required.
Rosa Bourassa requests a transfer to the Chilocco School due to her health. Richard Henry Pratt endorses the request and provides a recommendation.
Martha B. Hench requests a transfer to a more independent position in the Indian Service after having been an assistant matron at the Carlisle Indian School for three years. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the letter with his approval and recommendation.
Mariette Wood requests a transfer to the Carlisle Indian School as a teacher. Richard Henry Pratt forwards and endorses the application.
Bessie Barclay applies for a transfer to the Carlisle Indian School as a lower grade teacher from the Winnebago Agency. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the application to the Office of Indian Affairs along with his recommendation.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter explaining his decision to not renominate Rose Bourassa and Martha Hench for continued employment at Carlisle.
Richard Henry Pratt requests the transfer of Bessie H. Cummins to a position as clerk and a promotion for Mary Bailey. In addition, he requests a teacher be assigned from the Civil Service lists to replace Bailey's old position.
Ella Rickert informs the Office of Indian Affairs that she wishes to be transferred to a school in the Northwest until a position in South Dakota opens.
Alfred John Standing informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he would be willing to have Chauncey Yellow Robe transferred to Carlisle as Assistant Disciplinarian.
Richard Henry Pratt requests the transfer of Jessie W. Cook as a teacher to the Carlisle Indian School from the Perris School.
Ella Rickert requests transfer from the Carlisle Indian School to a Western State.
Jessie W. Cook requests to be transferred to the position of principal teacher at the Albuquerque School from her current position at the Carlisle Indian School.
Chauncey Yellow Robe requests a transfer to a western school as either an assistant disciplinarian or disciplinarian position.
Richard Henry Pratt requests the transfer of Benjamin F. Bennett to the Carlisle Indian School as the School Farmer.
Alfred John Standing informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Miss Frey of the Mt. Pleasant School declines transfer to the Carlisle Indian School to replace Gertrude Simmons. Standing asks an assignment of a primary teacher from the Civil Service lists.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa…
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Gertrude Simmons has turned in her resignation. Pratt notes that Supervisor Wright has recommended Miss Frey at the Mt. Pleasant School as her replacement.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa.