Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that O. H. Bakeless and his wife have determined they do not want to enter the Indian Service. Pratt requests that he have a personal conference with the Commissioner before a principal teacher is selected and nominated.
A. W. Ferrin forwards petition of the Cattaraugus Reservation requesting the return of certain pupils from the Carlisle Indian School. The petition claims that parents were misinformed and that some students were taken without consent, parents are unhappy with the treatment of their children, that students are not getting enough academic…
Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his letter of March 15th regarding allowance for special exhibit at Chicago.
Carrie V. Birch requests a transfer from her current position as a teacher in Cherokee, North Carolina to the Carlisle Indian School.
Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his letter of March 15th regarding allowance for special exhibit at Chicago.
Richard Henry Pratt requests that his nominations of employees be acted upon soon to avoid entanglements on pay rolls.
D. U. Betts requests that his appointment as a teacher in the Indian Service be changed from Pyramid Lake to Carlisle.
Richard Henry Pratt replies to an Office of Indian Affairs letter accepting release for students and teachers from exhibit in Indian School at Chicago and also accepts allowance.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request of Charles Red Hawk Smith to be returned home. Pratt provides reports from the school's physician and disciplinarian as well as two outing reports from Smith's patron. As a result Pratt recommends that Smith be allowed to be returned home.
Mary M. Kennedy requests the return of her granddaughter, Flora Patterson, from the Carlisle Indian School due to her health.
C. R. Dixon, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for April 1893.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a petition from the Comanche Nation to keep their U.S. Indian Agent George Day.
Also a brief note that a few members of the Agency stopped in Chicago and saw the Carlisle exhibit.
Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees and includes details on their compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked at the school in April 1893. Pratt distinguishes between the "White Labor," whose names appear on the first page, and the "Indian Apprentice Labor," representing student…
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that David U. Betts departed for Pyramid Lake due to not hearing earlier from the Office of Indian Affairs.
A. W. Ferrin provides an update on the feelings of the New York Indians regarding their children at the Carlisle Indian School. Ferrin states that he has had some discussions with various members of the Seneca Nation and that only a few are dissatisfied with having their children at Carlisle. Further an effort was made at the last Seneca…
M. F. Nippe, Missionary, writes to Daniel M. Browning asking him to ignore the petition of the Cattaraugus Reservation. Nippe notes that the claims are the result of misstatements and falsehoods.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Lydia L. Hunt and recommends her for a position as a matron.
John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of one man (Oscar Hugh Bakeless) who is eligible to fill the vacant teacher position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidate's name, address, and their civil service exam grade. Acting Secretary William H. Harris…
John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior one man (Jacob A. Ressler) eligible to fill the vacant teacher position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidate's name, address, and their civil service exam grade. Acting Secretary William H. Harris refers the list to…
John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of three men (Lafayette R. Holland, T. Marcellus Marshall, Horton Howard) who are eligible to fill the vacant principal teacher position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidates' names, addresses, and their civil…
John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of three candidates (Fannie I. Peter, Gussie Stocker, Henry M. Hudelson) who are eligible to fill the vacant teacher position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidates' names, addresses, and their civil service…
Richard Henry Pratt responds to Mary M. Kennedy's request to return her granddaughter Flora Patterson. Pratt notes that Patterson died at the Racine Home in Philadelphia, after having contracted quick consumption.
Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay for the lease of the Henderson Farm with Government funds due to a depleted Charity Fund. Pratt notes that the farm is necessary for additional grazing and farming purposes as well as drainage.
Charles Smith requests to be returned to his home.