
Displaying 2026 - 2050 of 3113 records
Report on the Deaths of Edward Upright and Giles
May 6-9, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the report of the Carlisle School physician C. H. Hepburn on the deaths of Edward Upright and Giles. Hepburn notes the cause of death resulting from scarlet fever as well as pneumonia while recovering from measles.


National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Three Former Florida Prisoners Home
May 9, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt writes to seek authority to pay to send home three former prisoners who remained east for their education. The sponsor of Paul Zotom and David Oakerhater had them trained in agriculture as well as being ordained as deacons in the Episcopal Church while studying in Paris Hill, New York and is now proposing to build chapels at…

National Archives and Records Administration
List of Positions and Salaries for Fiscal Year 1882
May 11, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt sends a list of positions and salaries for the 1882 fiscal year. The list includes clerks, farmers, teachers, matrons, various superintendents, band leader, various industrial teachers, cooks, disciplinarians, a teamster, chaplain, nurse, and an individual to be in charge of the animals. There is also a Department of the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Enroll John Leecy
May 16, 1881 - May 20, 1881

J. M. Howard writes to Richard Henry Pratt seeking to enroll John Leecy of the White Earth Agency at Carlisle. Howard provides a recommendation for Leecy along with the Agent at White Earth Agency and notes that Leecy would be able to pay his way to Carlisle.

Upon forwarding the letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs Pratt notes…

National Archives and Records Administration
Cook Requests to Visit Carlisle School
May 23, 1881

John Cook, a U.S. Indian Agent writes on behalf of Cook, a member of the Sioux Nation, to visit the Carlisle Indian School at his own expense.

National Archives and Records Administration
Initial Proposal for Local Outing Program
May 23, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt outlines a proposal for sending students from the Carlisle Indian School to local families in the Cumberland Valley and Bucks County. Pratt justifies the program by noting that any cost will be offset by savings in food as families will be required to board the students. He notes that students will benefit from English…

National Archives and Records Administration
Letters Sent to Pratt from the Rosebud Agency Regarding Return of Children
May 23 - June 8, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs two letters he received from the Rosebud Agency. One concerns the deaths of Rosebud students while at Carlisle and the desire of the Rosebud Sioux Chiefs to educate their children closer to home. The second from Black Crow protesting the actions of Spotted Tail and others who…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sioux Chiefs Protest Deaths of their Children and Ask for Local School
May 23, 1881

A Council of Sioux Chiefs including Spotted Tail, Two Strike, White Thunder, and Swift Bear from the Rosebud Agency writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to protest the deaths of their children at Carlisle and asks for a local school in order to educate their children along with teachers. U.S. Indian Agent John Cook notes that he is…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sioux Chiefs Protest Deaths of their Children and Ask President Garfield for Local School
May 23, 1881

A Council of Sioux Chiefs including Spotted Tail, Two Strike, White Thunder, and Swift Bear from the Rosebud Agency writes to President James A. Garfield to protest the deaths of their children at Carlisle and asks for a local school in order to educate their children along with teachers. U.S. Indian Agent John Cook notes that he is agreement…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sioux Chiefs Protest Deaths of their Children to Interior and Ask for Local School
May 23, 1881

A council of Sioux Chiefs including Spotted Tail, Two Strike, White Thunder, and Swift Bear from the Rosebud Agency writes to the Secretary of the Interior to protest the deaths of their children at Carlisle and asks for a local school in order to educate their children along with teachers. U.S. Indian agent John Cook notes that he is agreement…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Tsaitkopeta Home
May 30, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt notifies the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the former Kiowa prisoner Tsaitkopeta who has been living in Tarrytown, New York with Dr. H. Caruthers wishes to return home to the Kiowa and Comanche Agency. Pratt notes that he is entitled to have the government pay this expense and ends by saying that the only remaining…

National Archives and Records Administration
Cook Writes to his Daughter Grace at Carlisle
June 1, 1881 - June 20, 1881

Cook, a member of the Sioux Nation, writes to his daughter Grace at the Carlisle Indian School. He writes that others in the Rosebud Agency are attempting to have their children returned from Carlisle but he does not think they will succeed. If they do though he would like Grace to return although he would also be happy with her staying and…

National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment Status of William Snake and Fred Smith
June 2, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt provides an update on the enrollment status of William Snake and Fred Smith. Pratt notes that William Snake and White Rabbit are the same individual. He also writes that the money for the two students would be better served if invested in cattle or another area rather than sent to the students directly.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request Telegraph Authority to Return Eight Sick Students Home
June 7, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt seeks authority to return eight students home due to measles and scarlet fever outbreaks. To allow them to travel more comfortably, Pratt requests a response via telegraph allowing him to send them on a through car to Kansas City.

National Archives and Records Administration
Notification of Change in Nation Enrollment Status of Three Students
June 20-27, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Isaiah Lightner, U.S. Indian Agent at the Santee Agency, regarding the enrollment of William Snake, White Rabbit, and White Mouse as members of the Ponca Nation by Standing Bear. As a result of the enrollment they are entitled to a payment being distributed by the Nation.

Pratt forwarded the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Special Estimate of Funds, Second Quarter 1881
June 20, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt submits a "Special" Estimate of Funds form for $1,610.80 for travel expenses and pay of irregular employees. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Estimate of Funds, Third Quarter 1881
June 25, 1881

Estimate of funds for the third quarter of 1881 amounting to $13,959.81 for areas covering subsistence, pay of employees, clothing, the farm, supplies, contingencies, and special allowance.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Recommendation for Destruction of Mattresses due to Scarlet Fever
June 29, 1881

C. H. Hepburn, Carlisle Indian School Physician, informs Richard Henry Pratt that some mattresses should be destroyed due to scarlet fever contamination.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Black Bear Requests Son Visit Him in Washington D.C.
July 4, 1881 - July 18, 1881

Black Bear writes to Richard Henry Pratt asking for him to write to the Department of Indian Affairs to allow his son Paul Black Bear to visit him during his trip to Washington D.C. Black Bear notes that he has not been allowed permission to visit Carlisle and he was also the first Head Man to allow his son to attend school at Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Blue Teeth Desires to be Included in Sioux Delegation
July 23, 1881 - August 5, 1881

Blue Teeth writes to Richard Henry Pratt seeking his help in order to be included in Spotted Tail's delegation. Blue Teeth writes that he would like to go east in order to get a set of false teeth as well as visiting his children at Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Kihega Requests Funds to Visit Carlisle
July 28, 1881

Kihega, a chief of the Iowa Nation, requests funds to allow him, his wife, and an interpreter to visit the Carlisle Indian School to see their children through the U.S. Indian Agent at the Great Nemaha Agency, A. Brosius.

National Archives and Records Administration
Proposal for Extended Outings
July 28, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt requests that he be allowed to extend the outings of certain students until the winter in order to allow them to attend the country schools located near their patrons.

National Archives and Records Administration
Recommendation of Returning Children of Spotted Tail to Carlisle
August 11, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt recommends the return of Pollock, Max, and Oliver Spotted Tail to Carlisle if an opportunity presents itself rather than having the cost born by their family.

National Archives and Records Administration
Sisseton Agency Request to Send Students to Carlisle
August 12, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt endorsees a request from the Sisseton Agency U.S. Indian Agent that a number of men be allowed to enroll at Carlisle as they offer to pay their own transportation. Pratt notes that despite the school having more than enough male pupils the spirit evident by the willingness to pay their own way should be fostered. Pratt ends…

National Archives and Records Administration
Report on Various Dissatisfactions in the Pueblo Agency
August 15, 1881

J. M. Haworth, Inspector, details various events in the Pueblo Agency including opposition to the schooling at the agency. Haworth reports that much of the opposition is a result of the religious nature of the schooling. He also notes that parents who had sent children to Carlisle have yet to visit them despite promises made at the time they…

National Archives and Records Administration