Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Laura Jackson, Pearl McArthur, W. Lewis Haldy, M. I. Zeigler, D. E. Miller, Kittie Odell, Malcolm W. Odell, and Minnie L. Ferree ) and those who have left the school (Ellen R. Dorsett and Annie Kowuni). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for…
Odell, Malcolm W.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to transfer Nellie Robertson from her teaching position to the clerk position made vacant by an appointment not reporting. Pratt also requests that Malcolm Odell be transferred from the Martinez Day School to the Carlisle Indian School to fill Robertson's position.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to know from the Office of Indian Affairs if Malcolm Odell is going to be transferred to the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that he is needed now and will be needed more when outing students arrive.

Richard Henry Pratt reports that Malcolm Odell reported for duty and requests that his wife be appointed be to last vacant teacher position.

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists all school employees (W. B. Beitzel, Fannie I. Peter, S. J. Nori, W. H. Miller, Nellie V. Robertson, W. Grant Thompson, O. H. Bakeless, Kate S. Bowersox, Emma A. Cutter, Mariette Wood, Jessie W. Cook, Florence M. Carter, Fanny G. Paull, Jessie L. McIntire, Sadie E. Newcomer, Clara L. Smith, Margaret…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Malcolm W. Odell's application for a 15 day leave of absence. Odell expects to take charge of small boys' quarters July 1, 1901.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the request of Daisy C. Laird for a position as a grade school teacher at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt recommends her transfer from Fort Lewis due to other staff transfers.

Richard Henry Pratt proposes to place Malcolm and Kittie Odell in charge of the small boys following the resignation of Lida Given. Pratt also requests to transfer Effie Moul to the position of teacher.

Richard Henry Pratt advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the dates that Ella G. Hill (laundry manager), Malcolm W. Odell (teacher), Kittie Odell (teacher), and W. Grant Thompson (disciplinarian) were on paid leaves of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the transfer of Malcolm and Kittie Odell to the Pottawatomie School. Pratt also informs the Office that Dr. Clark of the Chemawa School has declined his transfer to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt follows up with the school physician vacancy as well as the transfer of Malcolm Odell to the position of the Superintendent of the Pottawatomie School. Pratt also makes recommendations for the transfer of Kittie Odell and internal changes.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding Malcolm and Kittie Odell being appointed to the Pottawatomie School. Pratt indicates that they should go now in order for a permanent appointment to be made.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the transfer of employee Malcolm Odell and his wife to the Sac and Fox School. Pratt also indicates that he has asked William Robertson and his wife to take over for the Odells.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Small Boys Manager Malcolm W. Odell's request for a 4 day leave of absence. Odell also requests a longer leave of absence without pay until he is notified to take the charge of the Iowa Sac and Fox School in Toledo, Iowa if his request cannot be arranged.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Malcolm and Kittie Odell are set to leave Carlisle. Pratt continues that he will cover their pay through the end of August until they receive their orders.

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (E. G. Sprow, Samuel G. Brown, Charles H. Carns, Daisy C. Laird, Flora Laird, Isabel Schweier, and Carrie E. Weekley), those who have left the school (Malcolm W. Odell, Kittie Odell, Phil Norman, George E. Snyder, Annie M. Morton, Dennison Wheelock, and Lida Jones), and those who have…

Richard Henry Pratt notifies the Office of Indian Affairs that William Robertson and his wife have agreed to take the positions vacated by Malcolm and Kittie Odell.

Richard H. Pratt forwards forty-six reports on leaves of absence taken by employees: Sadie E. Newcomer (teacher), Margaret Roberts (teacher), Josephine R. Walter (teacher), M. Burgess (superintendent of printing), Dora M. Peters (assistant laundress), Etta S. Fortney (assistant laundress), Ella Albert (assistant laundress), Jennie Wolf (…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards two letters supporting Pearl McArthur's request to transfer to the Sac and Fox School as a matron.

Edgar A. Allen forwards letter from Malcolm W. Odell, Superintendent of the Sac and Fox School, requesting Carlisle enroll a student from the school who is over the age of 20.