Student file of Harry Bonser, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 8, 1910 and ultimately graduated in 1914, departing on June 15, 1914. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains photographs, student information cards, applications for enrollment, medical/physical…
McLaughlin, James

William A. Mercer forwards the results of a board of survey convened by James McLaughlin, U.S. Indian Inspector, to dispose of property at the Carlisle Indian School.

Correspondence regarding requests to return from the Carlisle Indian School students who had come from the Standing Rock Agency. The requests focused on a promise that the term of enrollment for Carlisle was three years rather than five years.

These materials include correspondence arranging multiple inspections of unserviceable property at the Carlisle Indian School for possible condemnation and removal.

This folder contains documents related to Jennie Gaither's employment in the Indian Service. She worked in the Service from 1905 until approximately 1926. She worked as the matron at Carlisle from July of 1907 to January of 1913.
Documents in the first PDF include a photograph of Gaither with two young women, efficiency reports, and…

This material includes correspondence concerning a November 1910 inspection of Carlisle by James McLaughlin. This includes information concerning the guard house, a list of runaway students, and an investigation into the administrative affairs at the school.

The typed transcript of Moses Friedman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Friedman served as the Superintendent for the school.
In his testimony Friedman argues that incompetent or antagonistic employees are the root cause of the poor conditions at the school. He answers questions about his…

In the first affidavit, Siceni Nori answers questions posed by Inspector Edward Linnen about the financial mismanagement of Superintendent Friedman’s administration and Nori’s role in that mismanagement. At the time Nori was Chief Clerk at Carlisle. In the second affidavit Nori answers questions about the disposal and purchase of government…

Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings from a follow-up visit to Carlisle for the 1914 investigation of the school.
In the first section Linnen narrates his findings of further financial mismanagement includes having the government pay for transportation that students had already paid for out of their own funds, not…

The typed transcript of S. J. Nori's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Nori was serving as the chief clerk at the school, having attended the school (from 1884-1894, not continuously) and then begun working at Carlisle as a clerk around 1900.
In his testimony Nori answers questions about his…