Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his request to have Jennie Dubray take the examination for a teaching position in the Indian Service. Pratt notes that Captain Brown of the Pine Ridge Agency desires to have Dubray and her future husband Clarence Three Stars take charge of one of the day schools on the Pine Ridge Agency.
Pine Ridge Agency
These materials include letters and a descriptive statement of pupils regarding 14 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency in South Dakota. The correspondence includes a statement of the authority which allowed for the transfer.
This Descriptive Statement is a duplicate of a previously submitted…
These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils for 14 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency of South Dakota.
Note: A duplicate of this statement was also submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and is posted.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request of Charles G. Penney, Acting Indian Agent for the Pine Ridge Agency, for the return of Josephine Smith in order to employ her as a teacher.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Thomas Black Bear to W. N. Hailmann requesting that he be reinstated as a school teacher on the Pine Ridge Agency.
Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs instruct the U.S. Indian Agent at the Pine Ridge Agency assist Nellie Robertson in bringing a party of students from the agency to Carlisle.
Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request to return Alice and Sophia American Horse.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from George Means and further provides information and recommendation for him in his application for a position as an assistant clerk in the Pine Ridge Agency.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the current system of student recruitment for non-reservation boarding schools is not working. Pratt forwards two letters detailing the difficulties of his employees in gathering parties of students as well as the reluctance of reservation superintendents to forward students to…
Richard Henry Pratt requests Commissioner W. A. Jones wire the Pine Ridge agent his sanction for former Carlisle students to be made available to travel to Carlisle for commencement exercises if able.
William A. Mercer provides the names of Hawley Pierce, Edwin Smith, and Jacob Horne for the position of assistant engineer at the Pine Ridge Agency.