May 9-28, 1912
Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that a fire broke out in a closet underneath the auditorium overnight on May 9 and caused an estimated $250 of damage. Friedman issues a circular to all school employees in charge of buildings "to clear any debris or inflammable material." Friedman issues a lengthier report on the fire to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. After the night watchman spotted the fire, the school fire department responded and extinguished the fire. Friedman speculates that the spontaneous combustion of oil-saturated rags caused the fire.
Friedman also assures Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke that no school property listed on property returns was destroyed.
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National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #45934-1912-Carlisle-256