The service record card for Marianna Burgess's employment with the Office of Indian Affairs. The card indicates that she began working as a teacher at the Pawnee Agency in 1873 then left to become a teacher at Carlisle in 1880. She continued to teach at Carlisle until 1884 when she became a Truant Officer, a Registering Officer, then the…

This service card tracks Chester P. Cornelius' record of employment with the Office of Indian Affairs. He began working at Carlisle as an assistant disciplinarian in 1888, leaving in 1891. He then went on to be a teacher, storekeeper, and leasing clerk. This record ends in 1900.
Note: upon request for Cornelius' Official Personnel Folder…

Special estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1890 amounting to $8,000.00 for the transportation of students to and from the school.

Estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1891 amounting to $20,356.86 for support of the school and transportation of Indian supplies, $8,000.00 of which is for regular employee pay.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the first quarter of fiscal year 1890 amounting to $494.60 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Supplementary estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1890 amounting to $1,003.67 for the purchase of mules, horses, lawnmower, and support of the school.

Richard H. Pratt submits a "Supplementary" Estimate of Supplies for the first quarter of fiscal year 1890 amounting to $145.17 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists a new employee (Clara C. McAdam) and those who have changed positions (T. W. Potter and Fisk Goodyear). This report includes personal information about each employee. Pratt also sends McAdam's application for a position as a teacher, including references. An explanatory cover letter is…

Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1890 amounting to $4,042.50 for areas covering the Civilization Fund and the support of the school.

Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1890 amounting to $10,050.75 for support of the school. Richard H. Pratt also requests additional funds amounting to $8,130.00 for regular employee pay.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the second quarter of fiscal year 1890 amounting to $470.75 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the third quarter of fiscal year 1890 amounting to $495.65 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request from George E. Gerowe, Superintendent of the Fort Stevenson Indian School, to enroll six students at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that he has little transportation funds left but would be willing to bring the students to Carlisle as long as two…

A list of students compiled by Reverend George Diffenderfer while out west recruiting new students. Includes names, sex, supposed dates attended school, and occasionally comments regarding the student. The notebook also names and ages of prospective students.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Office of Indian Affairs with the attendance figures for the Carlisle Indian School in January 1890 and for the last quarter.

Fordyce Grinnell, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for December 1889.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the visiting Sioux delegation claims of thirty to seventy per cent death rate of returned students dying within four years. Pratt writes that Carlisle has returned 101 students to the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Agencies and 82 are living today.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he understands the opposition of the visiting Sioux delegation to Eastern Schools. Pratt notes that when they come to the East they could see that assertions are incorrect.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that it would be best to allow the Sioux Delegation to visit the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to the Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request by Dr. A. B. McCandless to enter the Indian Service.

Richard Henry Pratt asks the Office of Indian Affairs how many individuals are in the new Sioux delegation.

Richard Henry Pratt requests from the Office of Indian Affairs information on if and when to expect the Sioux delegation at the Carlisle Indian School.

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (E. C. Miller), those who have left the school (S. H. Gould), and those who have changed positions (C. H. Hepburn). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Pratt also sends Miller's application for a…

Richard Henry Pratt follows up with the Office of Indian Affairs that since his letter regarding Dr. A. B. McCandless he has come to an understanding with the current School Physician and he will not need to replace them for some time.

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees and includes details on their compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked at the school in December 1889. Pratt distinguishes between the employees, whose names appear on the first page, and the "Indian Apprentices" listed on the subsequent pages of…