Richard Henry Pratt seeks authority to send home Millie Yellow Bear to accompany Lena Black Bear, who is ill. In addition he notes that he has delayed sending Thomas Kester home due to his coming down with a case of the mumps.
Sending Students Home Due to Illness
Do not use for sending students to medical facilities for treatment--use Student Medical Travel for that.

On the advice of school physician, Obadiah G. Given, Richard Henry Pratt recommends the immediate return to their homes of Esther and Louisa Metoxen.

These materials include a cover letter and Descriptive Statement of Pupils regarding the discharge of sisters Esther and Louisa Metoxen from the Carlisle Indian School and their transfer to their home in the Green Bay Agency of Wisconsin.

Request from Richard Henry Pratt to return Frank Yates to Arkansas City with Chief Bayhylle due to Yates' poor health.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Office of Indian Affairs with a list of 80 students to return to their homes due to expiration of their terms and sickness. Pratt also details the travel arrangements for travel to the various agencies and locations. He also notes that 68 pupils whose terms have expired have elected to remain at the school.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return Harry Raven and Henry Outa to their homes due to ill health.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Henry Outa is too weak to travel to his home. Instead his ticket is being used to return Harry Raven, who was also being sent home to illness.

These materials include a cover letter and a Descriptive Statement of Pupils regarding 4 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Green Bay Agency, and 4 individuals discharged from Carlisle and transferred back to their homes in the Pine Ridge Agency due to sickness. A single Descriptive Statement was used for both groups…

Richard Henry Pratt requests to return Dessie Prescott and Nancy Iron Son to their home on the recommendation of the school physician due to their health.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the school physician has declared it safe to return two girls from Pine Ridge with an escort.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of the Indian Affairs of the 60 students who are entitled to return to their home at the end of the school term due to the expiration of their enrollment or sickness.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the return of Hartley Ridge Bear and Harry Raven. Pratt further notes that the ticket for Henry Outa to return to Purcell, Oklahoma was not used due to Outa being too weak to travel when the authorization was received.

Richard Henry Pratt notes that his acting school physician has recommended sending Lucinda Hill and Rhoda Red Wolf home due to incipient consumption. Pratt notes that both students are able to travel to their homes in De Pere, Wisconsin and Oklahoma on their own.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return Elliott, William Short Nose, and Robert Left Hand to their homes due to their ill health. Pratt further requests transportation to various locations for the three students.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to return Louise Schanandore (here Louisa Schanandore) on the advice of the acting physician due to ill health. Pratt notes that she can be escorted by Jemima Wheelock whose term of enrollment has ended.

Thomas Stewart Jr., school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for May 1889.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students to be returned to their homes due to various reasons along with various escorts.
Note: The student referred to here as Maurice Walker is also known as Maurice Yellow Hair.

F. L. Barnum, the acting school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for July 1889. Barnum also includes a note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

Redfield Proctor, Secretary of War, informs the Secretary of the Interior that the Major General Commanding the Army has issued orders to the Commander of the Mount Vernon Barracks to receive any members of the Apache Nation currently at the Carlisle Indian School who are returned from Carlisle due to poor health.

Fordyce Grinnell, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for February 1890. Grinnell also includes a short note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

Fordyce Grinnell recommends various students be returned immediately to their homes due to pulmonary consumption and scrofula.
Alfred John Standing forwards the recommendation to the Office of Indian Affairs and asks for an additional $300 to return the students to their homes.

Thomas Stewart, the acting school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for August 1890. Stewart also includes a short note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

C. R. Dixon, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for November 1890. Dixon also includes a lengthy note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

C. R. Dixon the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for March 1891.

C. R. Dixon, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for May 1891.