Student file of Adeline Greenbrier, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1908, graduated in 1910, and departed on June 22, 1911. The file contains an application for enrollment, a physical record, student information cards, an outing record, outing evaluations, a news clipping, a returned student survey, a report after leaving, a progress card, and correspondence that indicates Greenbrier attended the West Chester Normal School.
In school documentation Adeline Greenbrier's name is also spelled Adaline Greenbrier. She is also known as Martha Greenbrier, Martha A. Greenbrier, and Martha Adeline Greenbrier. Her married name is Adeline Shawndosa (Mrs. Jonah Shawndosa or Mrs. J. L. Shawandosa) or Adeline Sonday (Mrs. Jonah Sonday).