Student information card of Jonah Sonday (Shawdusa), a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1894 and departed on September 20, 1900. The file indicates Sunday was married and living in Cleveland, Ohio in 1917.
Sonday, Jonah

Student file of Jonah Sonday, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1894 and departed on September 20, 1900. The file contains a student information card, news clippings, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Sonday was working for the Indian Service at Genoa, Nebraska in 1910 and for the Chicago…

Student file of Adeline Greenbrier, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1908, graduated in 1910, and departed on June 22, 1911. The file contains an application for enrollment, a physical record, student information cards, an outing record, outing evaluations, a news clipping, a returned student survey, a…

Student information card of Adeline Greenbrier, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1908, graduated in 1910, and departed on June 21, 1911. The information card indicates that Greenbrier had married Jonah Shawndosa, and was living in Yankton, South Dakota in 1915.