Medical Supervisor Joseph A. Murphy writes a report entitled "Sanitary Condition of Buildings at Carlisle." He focuses on dormitories, the dairy barn, and the guard house. He provides recommendations to better improve the cleanliness of the dormitories and the guardhouse.
Health/Sanitary Report

January 1, 1909
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration

February 7- December 31, 1916
These materials include correspondence, ledger pages, inspection reports, and government forms regarding multiple health topics connected to the Carlisle Indian School. Included is an Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for February 1916, Physician's Semiannual Reports for the first and second halves of 1916, statistical reports of diseases for…
Ledgers, Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Student Illness, Inspection of the School, Discipline - General, Buildings and Grounds - General Descriptions, Athletic Program Administration, School Library, Student Nursing Training, Industrial Training - General, School Farms - Animals and Livestock, Outing Program – Overview/Statistics/Success of, Student Living Conditions
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration