Studio portrait of Allie Blaine.
Cumberland County Historical Society
Studio portrait of Amos Hamilton.
Studio portrait of Anna Tabasash.
Studio portrait of Anni Medicine wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Annie Boswell.
Studio portrait of Belknap Fox.
Studio portrait of Benedict Jozhe.
Note: This image also contains caption information for other photographs.
Studio portrait of Bunn Armstrong in school uniform.
Studio portrait of Calvin Zlomne.
Studio portrait of Celicia Wheelock, Ida Wheelock, James R. Wheelock, and Dennison Wheelock. James and Dennison are wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Charles Buck (left) and Anthony Austin (right).
Studio portrait of Chauncey Yellow Robe (Timber Yellow Robe).
Studio portrait of Chester Smith.
Studio portrait of Cloud Bird, Frank Campeau, and Jacob Walker Cobmoosa, all in school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Dennison Wheelock wearing a band uniform, holding a cornet and a conductor's baton.
Studio portrait of Eddie Running Crane wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Electa Schanandore.
Studio portrait of Ernest Hogee (standing at left) and Jason Betzinez (seated at right).
Studio portrait of fourteen male students, identified in the caption as "Pueblo group, 1891."
Studio portrait of Harry Hutchinson, John Baptiste, and David Turkey, all probably wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Henry Phillips wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of visiting chief Hollow Horn Bear.
Studio portrait of Hugh Leider.
Studio portrait of Ida Wasee.
Studio portrait of Isaiah Wasaquam.