Apache (Chiricahua)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 204 records
Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Lorenzo Bonito, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Frederick Skahsejah (Skah-se-jah), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Roderic Fatty, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Edna Graham (Bet-ah-kat-oth), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Penelope Zaen (Zaen), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Eric Gatay (Gat-ay), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Sibyl Marko, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Basil Ekarden, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Helen Yot-soza, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Alida Booth (Ta-pe-na-nah-clin-ah), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Lucia Yai-tsah, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Simon Dakosin (Dak-o-sin), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Neal Suison (Suison), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Katie Kinzhuna, a member of the Apache Nation.

Note: While the documents presented here spell the surname for this individual as “Kinshone,” documents for their parents spell the surname as “Kinzhuna.”

Note: Based on the currently available documentation, this student is…

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Eva Anosaien, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Rogers Dudzarda (Dud-zar-da), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Nora Izancho, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Rudolph Esenday (E-sen-day), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Samson Noran (Noran), a member of the Apache Nation.

Note: Samson Noran does not have a headstone in the cemetery today. A map of the cemetery in 1947 indicates that Noran was interred in plot D-12. Today, the headstone in that spot is for Ernest Knocks Off, son of White Thunder, who…

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Eunice Suison, a member of the Apache Nation. She was the daughter of two enrolled students but was not an enrolled student.

Note: Based on the currently available documentation, this person is believed to be buried in the Carlisle Indian School cemetery but does not have a named…

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Mira Kiecha, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Caleb Kechjolay (Kech-jo-lay), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Hannah Dechezin, a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Geoffrey Iskee (Is-kee), a member of the Apache Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Maggie Iahanetha, a member of the Apache Nation.