Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (John R. Wise and C. M. Stauffer), those who have left the school (Edgar A. Allen), and those who have changed positions (Kate S. Bowersox). The reports include the position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
Wise, John R.

J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Affairs regarding a desire for an itemized statement regarding specific trees for nursery stock.

Acting Superintendent John R. Wise requests permission to employ irregular employees to make changes and repairs to buildings and other school property. Wise includes details on compensation, position title, and the number of workdays required for the jobs.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards a report on leave of absence for William B. Gray (dairyman).

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards two applications for leave of absence for Helen E. Krise (clerk) and Howard E. Gansworth (boys field agent).

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards two reports on leave of absence taken by Howard E. Gansworth (boys field agent) and Sara Pierre (hospital cook).

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards C. M. Stauffer's application for a one-day leave of absence. Stauffer works as a music teacher.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards Oella C. Munch's request for a 9-day leave of absence. Munch works as an assistant matron.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards teamster George Foulk's application for a 6-day annual leave of absence.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards reports on leave of absences taken by several employees: W. B. Beitzel (clerk), S. J. Nori (clerk), Emma G. Sky (assistant clerk), George Foulk (teamster), and Oella C. Munch (assistant matron).

John R. Wise submits the report of farm statistics the Carlisle Indian School farms for the 1904 calendar year.

J. R. Wise requests information from the Office of Indian Affairs on how to pay for collect telegrams which were not sent at the Government rate.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards Stacy Matlack's application for a 20-day leave of absence. Matlack works as an assistant disciplinarian.

J. R. Wise replies to Education Circular 120 from C. F. Larrabee with the correct location, post-office and telegraphic addresses, and the nearest railroad station. Wise provides a breakdown of the usual routes for passenger and freight routes.

J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has separately sent them school room papers and unmounted drawings for the Lewis and Clark/Portland Exposition. Wise also discusses the type of industrial materials to be included and photographs taken by Frances Benjamin Johnston.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards eleven applications for leave of absence for several employees: Mary A. Yarnall (teacher), Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Hattie M. McDowell (teacher), Sadie F. Robertson (teacher), Agnes May Robbins (teacher), Cora B. Hawk (teacher), Clara L. Smith (teacher), Anne H. Stewart (sloyd teacher),…

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards six applications for leave of absence for several employees: Fred W. Canfield (drawing teacher), Bessie B. Beach (librarian), Emma H. Foster (teacher), Fanny G. Paull (teacher), Frances R. Scales (teacher), and Charles Kennedy (fireman).

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards three applications for three employees: Bertha Canfield (seamstress), Beckie L. Goodyear (assistant seamstress), and Kate Bowersox (principal teacher).

Acting Superintendent J. R Wise forwards six applications for leave of absence for several employees: E. G. Sprow (instructor in tinsmithing), William Normast (instructor in tailoring), W. S. Dysert (instructor in shoemaking), Nellie V. Roberston (clerk), Emma G. Sky (assistant clerk), and M. I. Zeigler (instructor in harness-making).

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards assistant matron Effie Moul's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards drawing teacher Fred W. Canfield's application for a 29-day annual leave of absence.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards assistant clerk Ida Swallow's application for a 29-day annual leave of absence.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards three reports on leave of absence for several employees: Benjamin F. Bennett (farmer), E. H. Colegrove (teacher), and Howard E. Gansworth (boys' field agent).

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards Ferdinand Shoemaker's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence. Shoemaker works as a physician.

Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards teacher Hattie M. McDowell's amended application for a 28-day leave of absence. Wise advises the Commissioner of Indians affairs that McDowell will attend the Indian Institute at Asbury Park and summer school at Chautauqua, New York. Included is an explanatory cover letter from Wise, as well as McDowell…