White Shield

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 records
Alfrich Heap-of-Birds Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Alfrich Heap-of-Birds, a member of the Cheyenne nation who arrived on September 6, 1880 and departed on September 18, 1883. The file contains a newspaper clipping, a trade/position record card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating Heap-of-Birds was farming in Clinton, Oklahoma, in 1910.


National Archives and Records Administration
Harvey Whiteshield Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Harvey Whiteshield, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1880 and ultimately departed on February 3, 1888. This student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. (Notes in quarterly reports suggest that he attended Fort Wayne College in Indiana during part of his time in…

National Archives and Records Administration
Mark White Shield Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Mark White Shield, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on September 21, 1886 and departed on June 20, 1892.


National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Harvey White Shield Home
January 19, 1883

Notice of the death of White Shield is received by Richard Henry Pratt from U.S. Indian Agent John D. Miles. As a result Pratt requests authorization for sending home his son Harvey in order to provide help to the family. In addition, Pratt requests sending home two young Arapaho girls with Harvey as a chaperone.

National Archives and Records Administration