Richard Henry Pratt responds to an inquiry by A. B. Upshaw, Acting Commissioner, regarding the charity fund by referring to previous annual reports as well as furnishing a copy of the deed of trust for the Hocker farm.
Upshaw, A. B.

Richard Henry Pratt informs A. B. Upshaw that he has already filled the last remaining teaching vacancy at the Carlisle Indian School.

Sally Hambleton acknowledges receipt of an appointment as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School and informs the Office of Indian Affairs that she is resigning the position.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs correct an error in approving irregular pay for July 1887.

Richard Henry Pratt requests from the Office of Indian Affairs that all circulars referencing teaching English in Indian Schools be sent to him due to articles in the Christian Union and The Advance.
Pratt also writes that the bids on the building surprised him and that office should be pleased.

A. B. Upshaw, the Acting Commissioner of the Office of Indian Affairs, appoints Rev. T. S. Childs to investigate complaints made against the Hampton Institute Indian Department.
The report was then submitted to the Secretary of the Interior.

Percy G. Smith, City Passenger Agent for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, provides a quote for transporting students from De Pere, Wisconsin to Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt informs General A. B. Upshaw that he has sent plans and specifications for the new school building to the Office of Indian Affairs. Pratt requests that he be given permission to advertise immediately in order to overcome the delay in passing the Indian Bill.

A. B. Upshaw, Acting Commissioner of the Office of Indian Affairs, forwards a copy of the proposal of Andrew Wetzel as well as Samuel Wetzel for the construction of a new building at the Carlisle Indian School. The Acting Secretary of the Interior H. L. Muldrew approves the contract if there are no objections.

Five members of the Pawnee Nation--Frank West, William Morgan, Stacy Morgan, Wilkie Sharpe, and Robert Mathews--request that their annuity money and lease money be sent to them or to Richard Henry Pratt to be in trust. They refer to a letter written a year prior to William J. Morgan informing him that as he was not yet of age that he could not…

Percy G. Smith, Passenger Agent, for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad provides a quote to A. B. Upshaw for the A and P Junction to Carlisle Pennsylvania.