Sharpe, Wilkie

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 records
The Indian Helper (Vol. 4, No. 25)
February 8, 1889

The first page began with a poem titled “Do Your Best,” followed by “The Man-On-the-Band-Stand and a Stranger,” which described the “old gentleman’s” effort to thwart the hiring of an Outing student who was careless with arithmetic. It continued on page four. Page two began with “A Manly Resolution,” that reported Felix Iron Eaglefeather’s (…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Request for Annuity Money by Five Pawnee Nation Members
August 16, 1888 - October 31, 1889

Five members of the Pawnee Nation--Frank West, William Morgan, Stacy Morgan, Wilkie Sharpe, and Robert Mathews--request that their annuity money and lease money be sent to them or to Richard Henry Pratt to be in trust. They refer to a letter written a year prior to William J. Morgan informing him that as he was not yet of age that he could not…

National Archives and Records Administration
Instructions Requested for Annuity Check Received for Wilkie Sharpe and Other Annuity Matters
April 21, 1890

Alfred John Standing follows up a previous letter regarding annuity money due to Pawnee students at the Carlisle Indian School noting that Wilkie Sharpe had died earlier in the year while also noting that the School had received a check for Sharpe and asking what should be done with the check.

Standing further states that the names of…

National Archives and Records Administration