Borgia A-aitsa Student File

Student file of Borgia A-aitsa, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on April 30, 1887, and departed on August 10, 1892.  The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving indicating that A-aitsa was working as a farmer in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1910. 

In school documentation Borgia A-aitsa's name is also spelled Borgia Aiaitsa.


Group of Chiricahua Apaches upon arrival in Carlisle [version 1], 1886

The handwritten note reads: Chiricahua Apaches as they arrived at Carlisle from Fort Marion, Florida, November 4th, 1886.

Humphrey Eseharzay, Samson Noran, Hugh Chee, Bishop Eatennah, Basil Ekarden, Ernest Hogee, Clement Seanilzay, [Beatrice?] Kiahtel, Janette Pahgastatum, Margaret Y. Nadasthilah, Kredk [Eskelseja?]

Bruce Fisher (Shi-yu-na) Student File

Student file of Bruce Fisher, a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on October 3, 1886 and departed on July 2, 1891. The file contains a student information card listing two outings, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving. According to the information provided, Bruce Fisher changed his name to Bruce Valle after leaving school and worked as a farmer in McCartys, New Mexico as of 1910.

In school documentation Bruce Fisher is also known as Shi-yu-na, Bruce Valle, and Bruce Fisher Valle.


John Dixon Student File

Student file of John Dixon, a member of the Pueblo Nation who entered the school on October 21, 1882 and departed on June 22, 1886. The file contains correspondence, former student response postcards, and a report after leaving. In letters exchanged with the school John Dixon asks for his son and nephew to be considered for acceptance to the Carlisle Indian School. According to the information provided, John Dixon was a carpenter and farmer in Pena Blanca, New Mexico as of 1913.

In school documentation John Dixon is also known as John Dickson.


Solomon Day Student File

Student file of Solomon Day, a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on August 29, 1897 and departed on September 16, 1902. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, a letter, a news clipping, a trade/position record card, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Day worked for the Santa Fe Railroad in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1912 and was living in Gallup, New Mexico in 1915.

In school documentation Solomon Day's name is also spelled Soloman Day. He is also known as Solomon G. Day, also spelled Soloman G. Day.

Walter Snyder Student File

Student file of Walter Snyder, a member of an Alaskan Nation (Eskimo), who entered the school on October 5, 1903 and departed on August 27, 1906.  The file contains student information cards, a former student response postcard, a letter to Moses Friedman from his friend S.H. Rock discussing Walter, a report after leaving, a returned student survey, a former student response postcard, a letter from 1917 stating he is well, and a news clipping


Garfield Sitarangok Student File

Student file of Garfield Sitarangok, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation, who entered the school on November 23, 1903 and departed on May 25, 1908. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, a news clipping, a report after leaving, a photograph, former student response postcards, and a returned student survey. The file indicates Sitarangok was a clerk in a store in Council, Alaska in 1911 and 1914.

In school documentation Garfield Sitarangok's name is also spelled Garfield Siterangok.


Joseph Simpson Student File

Student file of Joseph Simpson, a member of the Tsimshian Nation, who entered the school on October 24, 1903 and departed on June 26, 1908. The file contains student information cards, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates Simpson attended the Chemawa Training School in Chemawa, Oregon in 1909 and 1910.